Why Roman Kostomarov’s limbs are dying – Doctor Fedorov – News

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  • Update Time : Tuesday, February 14, 2023

February 14, 2023, 11:34 – BLiTZ – News On Monday, the 2006 Olympic champion in ice dancing, Russian figure skater Roman Kostomarov underwent another limb amputation. Both of his hands were removed. Last week, Kostomarov also lost both feet. There is still no official confirmation of this information.

Recall that the skater was hospitalized on February 10 with acute pneumonia. He was hooked up to ECMO and ventilators. Due to the long stay on these devices, Kostomarov’s peripheral blood supply worsened, and necrosis of the extremities began to develop. That is why earlier his feet were amputated.

The reasons why Kostomarov lost his limbs, as well as how this can be stopped, were discussed in a conversation with the BLiTZ by a cardiovascular surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, doctor Alexei Fedorov.

According to him, to maintain the work of Kostomarov’s heart and vascular pressure, doctors “most likely” used inotropic support drugs, the simplest of which is adrenaline, he pointed out.

“If they are used for a long time, then there is a downside: small vessels, unfortunately, also narrow and spasm”

“Accordingly, when these drugs are used constantly, they maintain pressure by constricting blood vessels. If they are not applied, the person will die, because if there is no pressure, then the heart will not work. If they are used for a long time, then there is a downside: small vessels, unfortunately, also narrow and spasm. In this case, accordingly, complications are possible, in which the distal parts of the limbs begin to die off, ”the doctor explained.

Fedorov also pointed to another reason why the limbs of the Olympic champion die off.

“The so-called DIC syndrome develops, that is, the syndrome of disseminated blood coagulation”

“In such severe patients, blood clotting is inevitably disturbed. The so-called DIC syndrome develops, that is, the syndrome of disseminated blood coagulation. This leads to thrombosis, especially of small vessels. It is very difficult to deal with it, because it is difficult for a person to influence blood clotting. It is very difficult to influence the body, despite the use of all drugs, ”he said.

The interlocutor of the DOS noted that both of these causes of necrosis of Kostomarov’s limbs can act simultaneously. It will be possible to stop necrosis only when the figure skater’s pneumonia recedes, and he can be disconnected from ECMO and ventilators. If this is done now, while he is in serious condition, Kostomarov “will die in a minute,” the doctor concluded.

Earlier News reported that according to the writer Daria Dontsova, Roman Kostomarov will return to active life with prostheses.

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