Hungary demanded an apology from the US envoy to the UN


Hungary considers outrageous and false allegations of anti-Semitism, voiced by US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who accused the Hungarians of destroying the monument to the victims of the Holocaust. This was announced on February 14 by the representative of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, Mate Patsolai.

Patsolai noted that the Hungarian side is waiting for an official apology from American diplomats, the Hungarian edition reports. Index.

US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield accused Hungary of spreading anti-Semitism at a meeting at the UN, allegedly in connection with the destruction of a monument to the victims of the Holocaust. However, later the American side verbally admitted that they had made a mistake: it was about damaging the monument to Raoul Wallenberg in Sweden, who saved tens of thousands of Jews during the Second World War.

“It is absolutely outrageous that the Ambassador of the United States made baseless and false statements about Hungary in front of the general public represented at the UN. Since the American hosts did not give the Hungarian delegation an opportunity to speak, we were only able to complain after the meeting,” Patsolini said.

The diplomat stressed that although the American side admitted its mistake, it did not make an official statement with explanations and apologies. Pasolini also added that Hungary has zero tolerance for anti-Semitism and guarantees the safety of every person “openly declaring himself to be a Jew.”

Earlier, in December 2022, the American actress and writer Whoopi Goldberg was at the center of an anti-Semitic scandal. She made a controversial statement about the Holocaust. In an interview with The Times, the actress stated that she does not consider Jews a race.


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