How to Grow Lavender from Seeds

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  • Update Time : Tuesday, February 14, 2023

February 14, 2023, 15:48 – BLiTZ – News Beautiful delicate lavender flowers can become a real decoration of a summer cottage, but you can achieve abundant flowering only if you follow all the rules for caring for the plant. The first difficulties may arise already at the sowing stage. The BLiTZ found out how you can grow lavender from seeds.

Sowing of lavender is produced from about mid-February. The exact time depends on the region. For example, in the Moscow region, seeds are sown in the middle or closer to the end of February, in the Urals, sowing is carried out from the beginning of March, and in Siberia, the procedure is performed closer to mid-March.

Sowing preparation

For sowing seeds, containers 7-10 cm deep are used. You can sow the seeds in a common container or pick up cups for each seed. It is important to drill a small hole in the bottom to remove excess moisture.

As a substrate, it is better to purchase ready-made universal soil for indoor flowers. If you want to make it yourself, then you need to mix garden soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 12: 8: 4, and before sowing, disinfect the resulting mixture and pour in biofungicides.

Drainage (for example, coarse sand or perlite) is necessarily laid out at the bottom of the container with a layer of 1–1.5 cm, after which the prepared soil is poured.


The seeding procedure is as follows:

Spray the finished substrate in the container with water from a spray bottle. Spread the seeds at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other. Dig on top with substrate. Spray with water from a spray bottle. Close with a lid or cling film. Put in a room where the temperature is +18 … +20 degrees.


After 15-30 days, the first shoots should appear. Before pecking the shoots, you need to ventilate the seedlings daily, removing the lid for 20 minutes, and also wipe off the accumulated condensate. When the sprouts appear, the lid can be removed permanently. Seedling care is as follows:

It is advisable to place the container on a windowsill located on the south or southwest side. It is important to organize additional lighting through phytolamps or LED lamps.

Lavender develops well at +19…+22 degrees during the day and +15…+18 degrees at night.

Before spitting sprouts, the sowing site is sprayed with a spray bottle; after germination, you can use a watering can and water the plants under the root so that the drops do not fall on the sprouts. It is important to maintain a moderately moist soil. Photo:


If sowing was carried out in a common container, then when the first two leaves of the plant appear, it is already possible to dive. For picking, do the following:

Water the seedlings with water a couple of hours before the procedure to soften the soil. Make a well in a separate container. Carefully pick up the bush along with a piece of soil. Transplant it into the prepared hole in a new pot. Sprinkle the substrate on top. Spray with water from a spray bottle.


Before planting lavender in open ground, it is important to harden it. To do this, containers with plants are taken out into the street for two weeks, gradually increasing the time spent in the fresh air.

A sunny area with loose soil is suitable for lavender, the best option is sandy loam and loamy soils.

Acidic soil is diluted with wood ash. The transplant process consists of the following steps:

Seedlings are watered. They dig holes in the flower bed with an interval of 30 cm. The plant is removed from the container and planted in a new place by transshipment. The soil around the plantings is lightly rammed. Water the seedlings with a small amount of water.

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