February 13 – Condom Day: the meaning and traditions of the holiday


On February 13, the world celebrates Condom Day – a holiday designed to remind the population of the countries of the world about the importance of contraception and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. In 2023, a significant date falls on a Monday. Izvestia introduces the reader to the meaning of the holiday and its traditions.

Condom Day 2023 – the history of the holiday

The need for protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexual infections has been recognized by people since ancient times. According to sources, the first condom in history appeared in Egypt, and Pharaoh Tutankhamun himself was its owner. At the same time, the first contraceptives appeared in Japan.

People invented other means of contraception, especially at the time of the discovery and mass distribution of sexual infections – in particular, syphilis and HIV. However, condoms are still the most affordable and reliable means of protection.

Throughout its history, the condom has undergone many changes – its shape and material have changed. So, the first products were made of leather, then they were replaced by linen bags impregnated with a special compound.

In 1870, E. Lambert and Son of Dalston, the first contraceptive company, opened in the UK. The company made rubber condoms, and soon a technology was invented that made it possible to make condoms thin and practical at the same time. As a rule, it is these latex products that are sold in modern stores.

The holiday has been celebrated around the world since 2013. The date before Valentine’s Day was not chosen by chance – in this way, the medical community reminds couples of the possible unpleasant consequences that physical manifestations of love can carry with them. However, another holiday is also devoted to the topic of prevention of unwanted pregnancy and STDs – World Contraception Day, which is celebrated on September 26th.

Condom Day 2023 – holiday traditions

The basis of the holiday in different countries of the world and, in particular, in Europe, are educational events that acquaint young people with the need for contraception and the possible risks in its absence. These include seminars, lectures, actions. In particular, in supermarkets, in public places or even on the streets, activists can distribute free latex products in an effort to draw attention to the problem.

AIDS centers and medical organizations also use the holiday to remind people about the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, provide those who wish to know their HIV status free of charge, and provide detailed information about different types of contraception.

On December 1, the world celebrated AIDS Day – a holiday that draws public attention to one of the most dangerous diseases of our time. Izvestia talked about the history and traditions of the significant date.


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