The stars do not go out: Mikhalkov in “Satire”, Ranevskaya on the screen, Kustodiev at the auction

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  • Update Time : Sunday, February 12, 2023

Elena Pronicheva, who previously headed the Polytechnic Museum, became the new general director of the Tretyakov Gallery. The cinema “Karo 11 October” hosted the secular premiere of the comedy “Be” directed by Alexander Kovtunets. One of the most interesting Russian lots of this month, a series of illustrations by Boris Kustodiev for Yevgeny Zamyatin’s story “Rus”, was sold at the Literary Fund auction. The head of the RSL, Vadim Duda, proposed the creation of centers for the conservation and restoration of rare documents on the basis of the library. Izvestia has chosen the most interesting in the world of culture.

Passed – accepted

Elena Pronicheva, who previously headed the Polytechnic Museum, was appointed the new general director of the Tretyakov Gallery. Zelfira Tregulova, who headed the Tretyakov Gallery for the past eight years, left her post due to the expiration of the contract.

General Director of the Tretyakov Gallery Elena Pronicheva

Photo: TASS / Anton Novoderezhkin

According to Natalia Opaleva, a member of the Tretyakov Gallery’s board of trustees, director and founder of the AZ Museum, during her leadership, active work was underway to create branches, landmark exhibitions were organized both in Russia and abroad.

— We remember blockbuster exhibitions in the pre-pandemic years, which were attended by hundreds of thousands of people, many other expositions, perhaps not as large in terms of attendance, but representing both contemporary art and the forgotten names of artists and sculptors. The restoration of “small” museums has also begun, in particular, the Museum of Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov has been opened, the expert noted.

“Be” in the 1990s

The cinema “Karo 11 October” hosted the secular premiere of the comedy “Be” directed by Alexander Kovtunets. The film was presented by the creators — the Ilya Muromets film studio and the Russian distributor of feature and animated films NMG Kinoprokat, which is part of the National Media Group holding.

Photo: NMG Kinoprokat press service

According to the plot, Ilya (actor Oleg Gaas), who grew up without parents, is seriously passionate about rap and is ready for anything for the sake of success. One day, around Christmas, he gets into a taxi that brings him … to 1993.

“There is a lot of personal in this film,” Alexander Kovtunets, who played a character from the “dashing 1990s,” admitted to Izvestia. – There is a problem of fathers and children. The question is being decided how to live in society – to adapt or go your own way. In general, this is a family movie about each of us, about the fact that we should be able to live, rejoice, love, forgive and be.

Lezginka – Mikhalkov

Barely discharged from the hospital, Nikita Mikhalkov played a major role in his own play “12”. The performance on the stage of the Theater of Satire ended with an incendiary lezginka performed by children, and there was a full house in the hall.

Directed by Nikita Mikhalkov

Photo: Izvestia / Kristina Kormilitsyna

According to the theater staff, Nikita Mikhalkov’s play is played twice a month and always with a full house. The same attendance and emotional atmosphere can be seen at the performances of the legendary Alexander Anatolyevich Shirvindt.

On bows, Nikita Mikhalkov thanked the Theater of Satire, which sheltered the production during the renovation of the building of its Center for Theater and Cinema. In addition, he addressed words of gratitude to doctors and spectators.

“I know that many were worried about me, I am grateful to everyone,” said Nikita Sergeevich. “There are doctors in the hall today who saved me. They told me: “If you play a performance, we will cure it.” – “Will”. And cured!

gossip as fact

On the day of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Faina Ranevskaya, the first episode of the Ranevskaya series was released on online screens. Daniil Spivakovsky played the role of the chief director of the Moscow Council Theater Yuri Zavadsky, with whom Ranevskaya had a difficult relationship.

Photo: KION

– The relationship between Ranevskaya and Zavadsky was overgrown with many stories and outright gossip. But let them remain for the judgment of a simple spectator, ”the actor noted in an interview with Izvestia. — For me, it is valuable that the series shows a deep respect between them. I think it was the real truth.

According to Izvestia columnist Sergey Sychev, candidate of philological sciences, biographical serials are in any case far from genuine biographies and judging by them how it was is meaningless.

“Only a chronicle can actually resist biopics, in it we can see a person, and not an image that is inevitably created even when facts are put on paper,” he believes.

Russian from Kustodiev

One of the most interesting Russian lots of this month, a series of illustrations by Boris Kustodiev for Yevgeny Zamyatin’s story “Rus”, was sold at the Literary Fund auction.

Photo: Auction house “Literary Fund”

– The drawings for Zamyatin’s experimental work, stylized as an old Russian fairy tale, were created by the artist towards the end of his life, being confined to a wheelchair. But this did not affect the level of work at all: monochrome ornaments delight with grace and ingenuity, and miniature scenes with subtle humor, – noted Sergey Uvarov, Candidate of Art History columnist for Izvestia.

With a starting price of 1.2 million rubles, the museum-level rarity was sold for 1.4 million. In addition to unique works, the buyer of the lot will also receive a copy of the book itself from a gift edition that was not on sale.

fate to live

Theater “Workshop of Peter Fomenko” presented the premiere of the play “Twenty-Third” based on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque “The Black Obelisk”. The action takes place in 1923 in the city of Werdenbrück in Germany. This is a series of stories about the people of the “lost generation”, who were destined to live between two wars.

Photo: Workshop of Peter Fomenko

According to the director of the performance Yevgeny Kamenkovich, it is about how important it is for a person to remain himself in difficult times: if he is an artist, then he must remain an artist and fulfill his mission; if he is a priest, then he will remain a priest and will help all the people who surround him.

– There are literary works that are cinematic, and Remarque is theatrical. Perhaps that is why Yevgeny Kamenkovich managed, without any visible directorial efforts, to create a bright, memorable, albeit unnecessarily drawn-out performance, commented Svetlana Naborshchikova, an Izvestia columnist, doctor of art criticism.

Restoration and power

The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova met with representatives of the restoration industry at the All-Russian Artistic Research and Restoration Center. I.E. Grabar. Heads of major institutions (Kremlin Museums, the Hermitage, the Historical Museum, the Russian State Library, etc.) made presentations.

Chairman of the Committee for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the Leningrad Region Vladimir Tsoi, Governor of the Leningrad Region – Chairman of the Government of the Leningrad Region Alexander Drozdenko, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova and Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova

Photo: TASS/Alexander Demyanchuk

Most of the speakers talked about achievements, showing images of revived objects and naming impressive figures. The head of the RSL, Vadim Duda, focused on the problems, saying that about 9 million rare documents (books and manuscripts) in our country need to be restored, while 70% of libraries do not have the proper conditions for their storage, and 80% of libraries do not have the necessary equipment to preserve damaged units. At the same time, about 1.5 thousand documents are restored in Leninka itself a year.

To remedy the situation, Duda suggested creating conservation and restoration centers in the regions on the basis of the RSL. “In 2022, we have already opened two branches,” he said.

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