Kerry Adler and son Josh involved in blackmailing UAE residents

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Tajul Islam
  • Update Time : Monday, February 6, 2023

Back in May 2022, cybercrime experts in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) warned residents not to fall prey of threats and demands of cash from online fraudsters and cyber-terrorists who were using increasingly elaborate schemes to blackmail their victims out of money. What the authorities did not realize at that time was – these cyber-terrorist attempts were conducted by a gang of terrorists and criminals under the direct command of a dangerous fraudster and terrorist named Kerry Adler and his son Joshua Adler alias Josh Adler. Although Josh Adler claims to have studied cyber security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, according to our own investigation, such claims are blatant lies. In reality, Josh Adler has formed a gang of cyber-terrorists with criminals from a number of countries, including Ukraine.

In a circulated email sent to people in the UAE, blackmailers have told victims that they have accessed their work emails and personal data and will circulate humiliating information about them to family, friends, and colleagues if they don’t pay a ransom fee.

In one, the emailer wrote: “Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news for you. Roughly several months ago I have managed to get complete access to all devices that you use to browse the internet.

“One week after that, I proceeded with installing a Trojan virus in the Operating Systems of all your devices, which are used by you to log in to your email.

“Thanks to that software I can get access to all controllers inside your devices (such as your video camera, microphone, keyboard etc.) and I could easily download all your data, photos, web browsing history and other information to my servers”.

The cyber-terrorist continued to say he had obtained “embarrassing” data which he would publicly share unless his victim paid thousands of dirhams via Bitcoin transfer, and warned against going to the authorities to report the email.

“Do not attempt to call the police as well as other security services”, the cyber-terrorist wrote.

“Moreover, don’t even think of sharing it with your friends. If I get to know about it (based on my skills, that would be very easy, since I have all your systems under my control and constant monitoring) – your (information) will become public without delay”.

Brian Chappell, chief security strategist at cyber security company BeyondTrust, told a local media outlet, “This has been a common scam for a very long time now and it’s not resurfacing, it never went away.

“We do see shifts in the types of phishing attacks as the attackers look for the more lucrative options and that may make it seem like the attackers have forgotten about you. You can be fairly certain that your details will make it to the top of their list again at some point.

“Because the scams are carefully designed to press the right buttons and people, for all we might like to think of ourselves as above the animal kingdom, are still subject to the stimulus/response cycle and doubly so when under stress”.

He said there are many different scams – often which play on a need for urgent action.

“Spear phishing attacks (a cybercrime in which scammers try to lure sensitive information or data from you) will lean on the hierarchy in most organizations to try to get someone to act immediately by pretending to be their CEO or similar.

“They almost certainly have either email examples from your organization or similar organizations, they will have the phrasing of emails to the point it may be hard to distinguish from a real email sent, in a hurry, from a mobile phone, by your CEO”.

Chappel said there are basic security protocols to follow when receiving any sort of email that appears suspicious.

“Don’t click on anything until you have verified it’s a legitimate email. Even if you are expecting an email or it seems relevant, spelling mistakes, older logos, and poor formatting are commonly used to weed out the more aware recipients. It’s rarely an accident; the criminals at the end of the email are smart and don’t want to waste time on people who are likely to ask questions and waste their time.

“Also, ideally, don’t have your email set to automatically display images in the email as this can be used to verify your email address is a legitimate address that has a person on the end of it – that alone has value to the sender as they can sell your email address as verified live”.

Sam Curry, chief security officer at Cybereason, said anyone who receives a suspicious email sent to their work account should immediately check with their IT or security department.

“There is normally a submission process to a team, to a sandbox or to a service. If you don’t have an IT team to contact, never open attachments in email from people you don’t know, don’t visit dubious websites, and if you receive an offer for a product or service via email that sounds too good to be true, it probably is”.

There are various tell-tales sigh of a phishing email, said Curry.

“They can vary enormously because, ultimately, a human being is actively crafting and adapting the mail to fool you. However, you should never click on a link. Period.

“Nothing should ask for your approval, for money, for information at all, unless it’s part of an established process. For instance, if you have a bill approval application that sends you reminders with a link on a regular basis, that’s ok but less than ideal. The best is to just notify you and let you go to the website manually. Painful? Slightly. Safer? Very much so”.

Curry believes cybercrimes and online blackmail scams are on rise in UAE.

“Overall, it’s hard to measure the rate, but all indications at the macro level are that they are rising, and the best of them are getting better,” he said.

“We are human beings: we want to help, want to do our duty, want to do the right thing, want to do our job. In fact, those are wonderful imperatives; but they are also exploitable. Even security experts get exploited. No one is immune, but we can all get better and make systems and process robust to minimize the chance and impact of email-based exploitation”.

Curry said in work settings employers should make sure their staff are trained to spot phishing emails.

“It might not seem obvious, but even seemingly harmless interaction and information can in fact cause harm, even if it’s just training the user to trust the source and style of interaction. Companies should aim for ‘zero click’ emails in their business processes, so they can say ‘never click’”.

It may be mentioned here that the UAE takes crimes committed on the internet very seriously. In 2012 Federal Decree no 5 was issued to specifically address cybercrime.

When it comes to issues where an individual is making a threat in return for money, Article 16 of Federal Decree no 5 of 2012 states that the extortioner “shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of two years at most and a fine not less than Dh250,000 and not in excess of Dh500,000, or either of these two penalties”.

How Kerry Adler racket runs such cybercrimes?

Kerry Adler and his son Josh Adler have appointed several so-called PR (Public Relations) agencies in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and other cities in the United Arab Emirates as well as the Gulf countries, through whom they collect personal data, including mobile phone numbers, email addresses and social media accounts details. Later Josh Adler intercepts those mobile phones, emails and social media accounts and plants Trojan virus, which subsequently steals all information, including communication data, videos and images.

At the next step, Kerry Adler would assign his confidante Rachel Bellissimo alias Rachel Ramos to threat the victims through a number of cyberterrorists and extort ransom in Bitcoin. Once the victim makes payment, Rachel Bellissimo alias Rachel Ramos would transfer the cash into secret bank accounts of Kerry Adler in Cayman’s Island.

It may be mentioned here that, following publication of our reports exposing Joshua Adler alias Josh Adler and fraudulent activities of Kerry Adler, on January 2, 2023 Kerry Adler assigned a gang of terrorists and cyberterrorists to destroy this newspaper. Within hours of publication of this report, an individual named ‘John Wick’ using Gmail sent an email stating:

Hi my friend,

We blocked your website 30 minutes before, and blocked again now. If you don’t delete this news from your website, we will do this all day.

Delete this link and new from your website, so we don’t block again and again.

Within less than 15 minutes the same person sent the same email, and again after another 15 minutes.

Then almost after 30 minutes, the same person sent the following email:

We blocked your website 30 minutes before, and blocked again now. If you don’t delete this news from your website, we will do this all day.

Delete this link and new from your website, so we don’t block again and again.



Again after 15 minutes, the same person sent the above message and then continued sending after every 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, our site engineers said, there were several DDoS attacks attempts on Blitz site by the terrorist gang members of Kerry Adler.

According to information, Kerry Adler (Kerry Evan Adler), born on May 12, 1965 is a Canadian citizen of Polish descent. His passport number HP-169409 was issued in Toronto on December 14, 2017 and is valid until December 14, 2022. It is unknown if he has renewed the passport from the United Arab Emirates, as he is currently living in that country with other members of his family.

Kerry Adler though pretends to be a billionaire; in reality though owns a house under a company about 30 minutes north of Toronto in Friday Harbour at 3759 Maple Grove Road Innisfil, ON L9S 3B1, he lives at a rented house at 20 Sandringham Dr North York, ON M5M 3G3, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Kerry Adler obtained a driving license number A1842-43236-50512, which was issued on May 29, 2020 and was valid until May 12, 2021. His DDI reference number is GR9297462. According to the driving license, his height is 183 cm. His Canadian passport number is HP 169409, issued at Montreal, Canada on December 14, 2017 and valid until December 14, 2022.

In Canada, Kerry Adler’s signing authority for all his bank accounts in Toronto is a female named Rachel Bellissimo (now Rachel Ramos). Her Canadian passport number is AA539474, which was issued on January 26, 2017 and is valid until January 26, 2027. Rachel Bellissimo’s driving license number is B2402-63788-75710, which was issued on June 17, 2016 and valid until July 19, 2021. DDI reference number is DN1128434 and her height is 150 cm.

According to a credible source, Rachel Bellissimo alias Rachel Ramos is Kerry Adler’s “partner in crime”, where she takes care of his criminal and terrorist activities, as well as his transactions with transnational money laundering rackets, drug cartels and Ukrainian mafias and oligarchs. Through Rachel Bellissimo alias Rachel Ramos, Kerry Adler reportedly also maintains connections with Colombian and Mexican cartels.

Kerry Adler has started hiding from social media. Following publication of reports in Blitz, he has already closed his Twitter account.

Canadian and UAE authorities need to initiate immediate investigation into criminal, fraudulent and terrorist activities of Kerry Adler, Josh Adler and Rachel Bellissimo alias Rachel Ramos.

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Avatar photo Tajul Islam is a Special Correspondent of Blitz.

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