Israeli ex minister Eliezer Sandberg joins scam cartel

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  • Update Time : Monday, September 19, 2022

An Israeli former minister has recently joined a dangerous crypto scam cartel named ‘EcoShumi Foundation’ (Web Archive Link) despite the fact that a large number of people named in the group are already known as notorious fraudsters. Although, following publication of an investigative report titled ‘Gang of scam Dracula lands in Dubai’, several individuals have already withdrawn their names from this fraudulent entity, Eliezer (Moodi) Sandberg, former Minister of Science and Technology of Israel [according our information he is a former minister and associate of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was named as a suspect in the ongoing and ever-expanding corruption investigation into the multi-million-dollar purchase of naval vessels from Germany] is still continuing his affiliations with this dangerous fraud racket.

It may be mentioned here that the top kingpins of ‘EcoShumi Foundation’ (Web Archive Link) Jorge Sebastiao (Jorge Sebastião) aka Nuno Jorge Da Cruz Sebastiao, who has past track record of series of frauds and scams, including swindling 136 million Euros from people in Spain through a cryptocurrency scam named Nimbus, while our reporters have found shocking information about the background of another founder named Kamil Grund, who is a notorious fraudster and imposter.

statement issued on behalf of His Highness Mahmoud Salah Al Din Assaf on November 25, 2019 said:

Regarding to the Official Communication of October 15 th, 2019, there is an illegal use of corporate image and institutional name in operation where the the Private Council of His Highness Mahmoud Salah Al Din Assaf name and the name of His Highness Mahmoud Salah Al Din Assaf, as well as the registered coat of arms are being used without consent in an apparent “Business Club” webpage called “Kitty Mason Business Club”. Making the correspondent investigation, was discovered that the person who started developing this situation is a former member of the Private Council called Marcel van Vleuten.

Nowadays was discovered a second impersonation case. Marcel van Vleuten is working in some other scamming campaigns with a polish individual called Kamil Grund in some networks and pages using the name of our institution as well as the name of His Highness Mahmoud Salah Al Din Assaf with fraud intentions. This second person offered many times the Private Council to participate in his projects but the institution always rejected it due to incompatibility of characters with our quality and philosophy.

According  to this circumstances and because the scammers are avoiding communications and they are continuing with their criminal activities, His Highness Mahmoud Salah Al Din Assaf personally have approved to start the proceeding of criminal case for impersonation in the United States to Kamil Grund and Marcel Van Vleuten because of the unauthorized use of the name of the institution, the name of His Highness, the corporative image as well as the name of some of the members who are included in the Advisory board of our institution as well as in partner institutions like Al-Khalifa Business School.

Talking in legal concepts for prevention, whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be a public personality acting under the authority of the United States, Institution, Agency or Public Interest Organization registered in the United States and similar thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

In case of foreigner citizens with extradition agreement with the United States, the United States can request the origin country of the demanded to assist the legal procedure and to fulfill the complete condemn in the correspondent correctional of the United States.

Previous judgements for reference (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 742Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147).

The above statement proves, Kamil Grund, a Polish national has used the name of Assaf Foundation and His Highness Mahmoud Salah Al Din Assaf with fraudulent intention. It was also revealed that Kamil Grund was continuing frauds and was avoiding communications from the Assaf Foundation.

On his LinkedIn profile, Kamil Grund falsely proclaims himself as an “ambassador”.

It is a matter of grave concern that despite such dangerous criminal back grounds of Jorge Sebastiao and Kamil Grund, Israeli former minister Eliezer (Moodi) Sandberg has associated himself with these scammers. Kamil Ghund and Jorge Sebastiao have also been using names of several officials of the Middle Eastern royal families as well as officer of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as member of their fraudulent organization ‘EcoShumi Foundation’. Authorities in the GCC countries as well as global intelligence and law enforcement agencies need to initiate immediate investigation into the fraudulent activities of Kamil Grunt, Jorge Sebastiao and other members of this dangerous fradu racket. It may be mentioned here that, Jorge Sebastia runs a company named ‘EcoX’ in Dubai with a local partner named Saif Al Naji aka DJ Saif. It is also important to declare these frauds Persona Non Grata in the GCC nations.

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