New York Times reporter called for a Hitler-type genocide of Jews

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  • Update Time : Friday, August 19, 2022

The New York Times reporter Fady Hanona is just one of hundreds of Jew-haters associated with the American media. The Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was one of the bitterest critics of Jews and Israel and a defender of Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. Still, in the eyes of Wash Post and majority of the US media – he is a “hero”. Similarly, NYT found a perfect reporter as Fady Hanona to fill pages of this newspaper with Jew hatred. And most painful fact is – Fady Hanona would continue working for The New York Times unless his nefarious writings were exposed by Honest reporting, a pro-Israel advocacy and media watchdog.

Most disturbing fact is – Fady Hanona is not only a reporter of The New York Times. He also works for BBC, The Guardian, VICE News, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, RTÉ, The National, and Germany’s Die Welt.

According to the Israel Hayom report, Honest Reporting published a list of post by Hanona, who was a contributor to at least six articles published by the New York Times during the latest flareup of violence in the Gaza Strip.

Most recently, he shared a now-deleted propaganda video of terrorist groups in Jenin on Facebook, calling on Palestinians to return to “the culture of fighting and killing Israelis”.

“I don’t accept a Jew, Israeli or Zionist, or anyone else who speaks Hebrew. I’m with killing them wherever they are: children, elderly people, and soldiers”, Hanona wrote. “The Jews are sons of the dogs… I am in favor of killing them and burning them like Hitler did. I will be so happy”.

A spokesperson for The New York Times told Algemeiner Journal, the paper “had worked with this freelance reporter only in recent weeks. We are no longer doing so”.

Honest Reporting also said that during the 2014 IDF operation in Gaza, known as Guardian of the Walls, Hanona took to social media to threaten the murder of Ghassan Alian, an Israeli Druze who commanded the IDF’s Golani Brigade at the time.

Then, on August 18, 2014 – days before a ceasefire took effect between Israel and Hamas — he urged the Palestinian “resistance” to reject a truce and continue its missile attacks on Tel Aviv, which had at that point already cost the lives of five civilians. In another post from the same month, he went as far as invoking Adolf Hitler to support his point about the strength of Gazan fighters. “As Hitler said, give me a Palestinian soldier and a German weapon, and I will make Europe crawl”.

According to Honest Reporting, Hanona has also been hired by the BBCThe Guardian, and VICE News. The watchdog has called on the media outlets to terminate his employment as well.

Commenting on The New York Times decision to sack Fady Hanona, Honest Reporting said:

While the NYT’s swift action is to be commended, the incident casts serious doubt on the media’s ability to properly vet the integrity of their local sources. Seemingly, at least eight news outlets failed to take notice of Hanona’s antisemitic past — or they willfully turned a blind eye to it.

In 2021, Hanona came out in support of arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti, repeatedly backing him in now-deleted Facebook entries. Prior to his incarceration, Barghouti co-founded and headed the Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, an organization that murdered dozens of Israelis in suicide bombings and shooting attacks during the Second Intifada (2000-2005).

The fact that the British public broadcaster has yet to distance itself from Hanona is particularly egregious. Just months ago, Honest Reporting helped bring to public attention numerous antisemitic tweets written by BBC journalist Tala Halawa, including a post stating that “Hitler was right”.

Notably, Halawa was part of the BBC team responsible for covering the May 2021 Gaza war. After a month-long investigation, she was fired.

Research shows time after time that news consumers regard objectivity to be one of the most important litmus tests for professional journalism. Reporting the facts — without agendas and biases — is widely understood to be the media’s prime function.

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