Republicans want to hold Anthony Fauci accountable

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  • Update Time : Thursday, June 2, 2022

Anthony Fauci continues to get hit with bad news.

The Republican Study Committee argued in a policy memo that if Republicans take back Congress in November’s midterm elections, holding “radical” public health officials like Fauci accountable must be a “major oversight priority” for the party.

“If Congress fails to hold the Fauci clique accountable, and fails to reform public health agencies, we will be giving far-left bureaucrats a blank check to shut the country down whenever they want to,” RSC Chairman Jim Banks (R-Ind.) said. “We need to send a message that the restrictions, the mandates, and the school closures can never happen again.”

“Before the New Normal™, the most dreaded symptoms of flu season were fever, sniffles, and cough,” the RSC wrote in the news release. “Now, as families prepare for the coming winter and corresponding flu seasons (or growing cases of Monkey Pox), Americans have something much worse to fear: Government health officials.”

“Far-Left activists have taken over our public health agencies, abused their power, undermined the public’s trust, and wreaked havoc on our nation,” the news release continued.

“If we want to ever restore trust in these institutions and preserve our once-cherished freedoms and liberties, radicals like Dr. Fauci must be held accountable and our public health agencies be reformed,” the RSC demanded. “If Republicans don’t use congressional oversight powers to do so, we will be giving far-left bureaucrats a blank check to shut the country down whenever they want.”

“Trust in the public health bureaucracy is at a historic low,” the release continued. “Americans rightly feel that Washington bureaucrats have abandoned common sense and the common good for political purposes.”

“Conservatives would be wise to root out this institutional rot at these institutions and return them to their core missions,” the RSC stated.

Fauci is also facing wrath from Republican lawmakers.

Ohio GOP Rep. Jim Jordan declared that Republicans will launch an investigation into Fauci if they win back control of the U.S. House in November’s midterm elections.

Jordan said Republicans will “uncover” what Fauci knew about the origins of the pandemic.

Jordan argued recently released emails prove there’s a “need to investigate Fauci.”

“If the American people put us back in charge, we are definitely going to do this,” Jordan said, adding that his colleagues would push for congressional investigations.

Records also showed that Fauci and his wife were paid tens of thousands of dollars to attend four galas and ceremonies — three of them virtual — during the pandemic.

Jordan argued that these revelations and recently released emails prove there’s a “need to investigate Fauci.”

“If the American people put us back in charge, we are definitely going to do this,” Jordan said, adding that his colleagues would push for a congressional investigation into the origins of the coronavirus.

“Because we now know without a doubt that Dr. Fauci knew on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 that this thing came from a lab,” Jordan argued. “The top scientists in the country were saying it came from a lab. One scientist says we got the notes now from the conference call on February 1st. One scientist says, ‘I don’t see how this can happen in nature, but it would be easy to do in a lab.’”

Ohio Republican Senate contender J.D. Vance also recently called for term limits on bureaucrats like Fauci.

At a town hall, Vance said public servants should be term-limited and attacked Fauci.

“We need term limits not just for the legislators but for bureaucrats because ladies and gentlemen, all this talk about experts losing their expert status but there is an expert that not a single person in this room voted for that has far more power than anyone we ever did [vote for]… his name is Anthony Fauci,” Vance said.

“Why does he make more money that anyone else in the federal government? We need term limits for the bureaucrats too,” he added.

“‘When you have the bureaucracy at the EPA, or the IRS or whatever alphabet agency we’re talking about, that is actively against the president of the United States, that’s a fundamental problem for the nature of the Republican itself,” he continued.

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