For months, US President Joe Biden and his administration frantically tried to get Bangladesh on-board in its Quadraliateral Security Dialogue or Quad, which has been formed with the target of putting China under pressure. Considering Bangladesh’s national interest and growing relations between Dhaka and Beijing, Sheikh Hasina’s government refrained from joining this bloc. Moreover, Bangladesh has made it clear that the core principle of its foreign policy is – friendship to all and malice to none. Possibly Bangladesh’s stand on Quad issue was not liked by the Biden administration. Meanwhile, political opponents of Awami League, Bangladesh’s ruling party have been making frantic bids in establishing connections with the US administration through influential lobbyist firms as well as several key members of the Democratic Party. In this case, pro-Islamist Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its political darling Jamaat-e-Islami have reportedly pledged to join the Quadraliateral Security Dialogue, should they win in the 2023 general elections. Additionally, these Islamist political forces are mobilizing Turkey, Palestine, Qatar and few other nations in convincing the Biden administration in considering BNP and Jamaat as “genuine allies of America”. With the help of these countries, Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-e-Islami men have succeeded in establishing connections with Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar in particular as well as several key individuals in the Capitol Hill, while there are ongoing efforts of establishing connections between BNP and Biden through scandalous Hunter Biden.
According to a credible source, BNP lobbyist has conveyed a message to Biden administration stating, Bangladesh Nationalist Party’s relations went cold when the party allowed Taiwan to open its economic office in Bangladesh. They claimed, BNP has already distanced itself from “China’s evil nexus” and would “sincerely cooperate with the US in its Asia policy”.
Meanwhile, another highly-placed source said, Nobel laureate Professor Mohammed Yunus has been working tirelessly in using the influence of Clintons (Hillary and Bill Clinton) as well as Barack Obama in convincing Joe Biden and his administration in favor of BNP with the target of getting American pressure on Bangladesh government in holding the 2023 general elections under a “caretaker government”.
On the basis of information, it seems to me that Biden administration has already stepped into the trap of Islamic bloc in Bangladesh. This was clearly reflected during the recent Senate confirmation hearing of Peter D Haas, the next US ambassador to Bangladesh. Peter D Haas has told lawmakers that a democratic, stable and prosperous Bangladesh will benefit the entire region, and if confirmed, he will advance policies that will enhance America’s relationship with Bangladesh and promote a free, open, interconnected, resilient and secure region.
He also said, “for the people of Bangladesh to realize their full potential, they must also be free to express themselves. The Department of State has long been committed to promoting the free operation of media, civil society organizations, workers and members of opposition political parties in Bangladesh without fear of retribution or harm”.
Peter D Haas said, he “intends to continue the department’s work to bolster full democratic participation in advance of the 2023 national elections and to urge the government to protect and defend human rights”.
Anyone with elementary knowledge on diplomacy and diplomatic wordings would easily understand – the next US ambassador and the Biden administration have already swallowed the propaganda of BNP, Jamaat and other Islamist forces, while they also might have made an agenda of meddling into Bangladesh’s internal affairs eyeing on the 2023 general elections. Since Bangladesh is already facing dangerous threats posed by BNP, Jamaat and other Islamist groups and jihadist forces, and while the government of Sheikh Hasina has been working tirelessly in saving the country from evil clutches of Islamists and jihadists, Biden administration seems to be repeating its Afghanistan blunder once again in Bangladesh by joining hands with BNP, Jamaat and those Islamists and jihadists. For Joe Biden, getting Bangladesh on-board in his anti-China plots is essential. At the same time, Washington may even go further in its attempt of seeing an unconditionally loyal government in Bangladesh. For Bangladesh, and especially for the patriotic and anti-Islamist and anti-jihadist forces, immediately assessing such deep-rooted plot and finding effective measures to counter those is extremely essential.
Hopefully our policymakers will realize these points.