Classified US documents on Israeli strike plans leaked to Iran

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M A Hossain
  • Update Time : Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Classified US

A major breach of US intelligence has exposed classified information detailing Israel’s plans for a military strike on Iran, sparking alarm in both Washington and Tel Aviv. The documents, leaked to a pro-Iranian media entity, have raised serious concerns about the Biden-Harris administration’s ability to protect sensitive information, with implications for US-Israeli relations and the broader geopolitical landscape of the Middle East.

Over the weekend, top-secret US Pentagon documents were published by the Middle East Spectator, a media outlet known for its alignment with Tehran’s propaganda machine. The documents, reportedly created by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Security Agency (NSA), detailed Israel’s preparations for a large-scale counterstrike on Iran. Although the documents did not specify the targets within Iran, they provided highly classified information about the types of aircraft, munitions, and strategies Israel would employ in such an attack.

What makes this leak even more alarming is the fact that the documents appeared to have originated from US intelligence systems. These files, according to multiple sources, were not only accessible to the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance-a group comprising the US, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada-but were also made available to “thousands upon thousands” of US officials. This wide accessibility within the US government raises significant concerns about internal security protocols and how a leak of this magnitude could occur.

The breach has already sparked anxiety within Israel, which has long considered the US its closest ally in the Middle East. Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser, highlighted that the broader implications of this leak go far beyond tactical concerns. He pointed out that the most damaging aspect is not necessarily the revelation of Israeli military plans, but the erosion of trust between the two nations. “It’s not Israel that will ultimately pay the price; it’s the United States,” Rubin noted, explaining that Israel may begin to withhold critical intelligence from Washington, thus forcing the US to rely on media reports or other indirect sources for updates on Israeli actions.

In a volatile region like the Middle East, where timing and secrecy are paramount, this lack of trust could have dangerous repercussions. “Minutes can make the difference between life and death,” Rubin emphasized, warning that the US may be operating blind in future Israeli military engagements. For Israel, such leaks cast doubt on whether it can continue to share sensitive operational plans with its American counterparts without the risk of exposure.

The Biden-Harris administration has already launched investigations into the breach, with officials describing it as a “deadly serious breach” of national security. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is spearheading the probe to identify the leaker and determine how these documents, dated just a few weeks earlier, ended up in the hands of a pro-Iran media outlet.

However, concerns have also been raised about the motivations behind the leak. According to an anonymous senior US defense official, there has been an ongoing campaign to leak classified information with the intent of undermining US-Israel relations. This incident, they suggest, may be part of that larger effort. With Israel already facing criticism over its handling of the conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah, leaks like these have the potential to further strain relations between the two allies.

Meanwhile, US lawmakers have expressed outrage. Senator Roger Wicker (R., Miss.), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, called for the full prosecution of those responsible for the leak, citing the potential danger to Israeli lives and the broader US-Israel partnership. “Whoever committed this outrageous act is putting our ally at risk, and they need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” Wicker said.

This leak comes at a particularly sensitive time in US-Israel relations. Just last week, private communications between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin were also made public. Those documents revealed efforts to pressure Israel into increasing humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, along with thinly veiled threats to reduce US arms sales if Israel did not comply. This fueled speculation that certain factions within the Biden-Harris administration might be using leaks as a way to influence Israeli policy, particularly as the US pushes for a more diplomatic approach to the Iran nuclear issue.

Adding fuel to the fire, earlier in the year, a classified State Department document suggested that Israel was in violation of US laws regarding the provision of humanitarian aid during conflict. That leak, too, caused a stir in Israeli political circles, with some lawmakers accusing the Biden administration of using intelligence leaks to pressure Israel into aligning with its foreign policy priorities.

The cumulative effect of these leaks has led many in Israel to question whether the US can still be trusted as a reliable ally. The Biden-Harris administration, already navigating a delicate balance between supporting Israel and engaging diplomatically with Iran, now faces a potential rift with one of its closest strategic partners. This leak, in particular, could deepen the divisions, especially as Israel ramps up its military posture in response to growing threats from both Iran and its regional proxies.

With several senior Biden-Harris administration officials known for advocating increased diplomacy with Iran, including Pentagon official Ariane Tabatabai, who was previously identified as part of a pro-Iranian influence network, questions are emerging about the administration’s stance on Israel’s security interests. Israeli officials are likely to be even more wary of sharing sensitive information, particularly if it involves actions that could conflict with the administration’s diplomatic goals.

The leak of classified US documents detailing Israeli military plans is more than just a breach of security-it is a breach of trust. While the Biden-Harris administration scrambles to investigate the source of the leak, the damage to US-Israel relations may already be done. For Israel, the lesson is clear: when it comes to its most sensitive military operations, it may no longer be able to fully trust Washington. As the Middle East faces increasing instability, this growing divide between two critical allies could have far-reaching consequences, both for the region and for US strategic interests.

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Avatar photo M A Hossain, Special Contributor to Blitz is a political and defense analyst. He regularly writes for local and international newspapers.

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