Daniel Stephen Courney, a deep-covered operative coordinating insurgency and militancy activities in South Asia

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
  • Update Time : Thursday, October 3, 2024

Bangladesh, India and Nepal, along with some other nations in South Asia, including Myanmar are targeted by desperate Western missionaries mostly supported by the  US Baptist Church are being engaged into dangerous agenda of giving patronization and funding to various ethnic groups including Kuki community with the notorious plot of establishing a separate Christian state by carving portions of Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh, Manipur and few more northeastern states in India and Rakhine State in Myanmar.

Meanwhile, the name of Daniel Stephen Courney has recently come under media’s radar, although major media outlets in South Asia are unwilling to touch this man for reason best known to them.

According to a post on ‘X’ by the Legal Rights Protection Forum, Daniel Stephen Courney settled down in Andhra Pradesh for 15 years after marrying a local Telugu female. He entered India with tourist visa and succeeded in living for these years by dodging local authorities. In 2017, after being deported and blacklisted by the Indian authorities, Courney although settled in Nepal, he has been regularly visiting India by availing visa-free movement between Nepal and India.

In a video posted in 2023, Daniel Stephen Courney is seen talking about “persecution of Kuki tribal” because “they are Christians” and that “he was reporting from a village called Senapati in Manipur”.

Daniel Stephen Courney further said, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government is “very radically Hindu” and was “looking to make the entire country Hindustan”.

He also claimed that the ruling government at the center felt threatened by the fact that Christianity was metastasizing at an exponential state in the North East and hence these measures were taken.

He said,“… they’re attempting to, like I said, to exterminate, to expunge, to curtail the growth of Christianity, the spread of Christianity…”.

According to a August 17, 2023 report published in OpIndia, Daniel Stephen Courney went to several villages in Manipur and ‘preached’ Christianity. He also influenced the people negatively against Hinduism under the pretext of performing social service. He offered the people staying in the refugee camps mattresses, blankets, and cooking vessels and roped in their minds massive hate against the Hindu community. One such video was obtained by OpIndia in which the rabid Christian missionary could be seen delivering a hate speech against the Hindu community and spreading disbelief against the Indian government in the name of preaching Christianity.

Raul Vinci with Anushesh, wife of
Daniel Stephen Courney during a private meeting at an unknown place

“The Hindus many times tried to kill me for preaching about Jesus. They put ropes around my neck. They beat me with sticks. They threw me on the ground and stepped on my head. They say you must say Jai Shri Ram or else we’ll kill you. And I said I will not wear tika (kumkum on forehead), I will not praise your God. They hit me in my face as I refused to say, Jai Shri Ram. I am Christian. I follow Jesus. Once they hit me so hard that I fell unconscious for 15-minutes. The Government of India might not help you but Lord will”, he said.

He has been spreading false propaganda against India and Hindu religion on a regular basis through various social media and video-sharing platforms.

According to a highly-placed source, in May 2022, Daniel Stephen Courney secretly met Raul Vinci at least twice at Garden Guest House in Nepal. Earlier, during his stay in India, Courney was maintaining regular contact with Raul Vinci and his mother Antonia Albina Maino. Indian authorities are in total dark about such meetings and communications.

It may be mentioned here that, although Raul Vinci visited Nepal in May 2022 under the pretense of attending wedding ceremony of his “Nepali friend” Sumnima Udas, the main reason behind this trip was to meet Daniel Stephen Courney. During his Nepal trip, Vinci stayed at Marriott Hotel with his three companions and did not take any security personnel with him. Most importantly, Sumnima Udas, Delhi-based correspondent of CNN International extended biased media coverage in favor of Raul Vinci and his party thus attacking Vinci’s political rivals – including Narendra Modi.

Sumnima has a journalism degree from Lee University. She later acquired a master’s degree from Oxford University. Her father, Bhim Udas reportedly maintains intimacy with US intelligence establishment as well as George Soros.

Who is Daniel Stephen Courney, really?

According to a source, Daniel Stephen Courney is a US Army 111 detachment Delta Force attached with CIA black ops in Kandahar, Kabul and once based in Bagram in Afghanistan. A well-trained operative, Courney also worked with Israel Defense Force (IDF) and worked in the security team of Victoria Nuland.

Another source said, Daniel Stephen Courney, born in Mohegan Lake, New York holds American, Israeli and Peruvian passports. He studied at the Crown College and Tennessee Temple University.

Courney first arrived in India on August 27, 2009 on tourist visa and was hosted by pastor Guntur in Andhra Pradesh. Few months later, he married a Telugu female named Anusha. Although details of this marriage along with photograph was published in a website named ‘Day Spring Children Home’ it was later removed. Later our reporters have succeeded in finding the photo of Daniel Stephen Courney and his Telugu wife Anusha. It may be mentioned here that Anusha holds two passports – Indian and American.

Daniel Stephen Courney and his Telugu wife Anusha

In October 2017, Daniel Stephen Courney was convicted at Lincoln Magistrate Court by a District Judge on two counts of religious and racially motivated public order offences in Lincolnshire. At that time, he used a Bristol address.

In April 2021, Daily Voice in a report said, Daniel Stephen Courney was arrested by police for stalking an abortion doctor in Englewood, NJ with a drone equipped with camera and microphone – outside the Metropolitan Medical Associates on Engle Street. He also tried to stop people from entering the reproductive health services clinic, violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. Subsequently he was barred from visiting within 25 feet of the clinic.

In 2021, Daniel Stephen Courney and two other Evangelist Christians were charged in New Jersey on allegations of violating the state’s anti-bias intimidation statute, specifically for “shouting homophobic rhetoric directly in front of Allure Salon”, after the trio preached to the salon owner and an employee who are both openly homosexual.

According to Courney’s post on Meta (formerly known as Facebook), during first week of August 2023, he took  a flight to Assam and with the help of the West Bengal Joint Secretary, International Human Rights Council, he has been moving around the North-Eastern states. During this tour, Daniel Stephen Courney was using a white-color car bearing registration number WB 7ON 1889.

Christian preacher and terror-patron Daniel Stephen Courney seen with officials of International Human Rights Council in Assam. In August 2023, he roamed freely around the North-Eastern states in a white-color car bearing registration number WB 7ON 1889

In the same month, according to another post, he along with another person named M.S. Kumar from Hyderabad, distributed fifty copies of Assamese New Testaments on the Platform No. 6 of the Guwahati Railway Station in Assam.

On August 5, 2023, he visited Senapati town of the Manipur State and telecasted a live video criticizing the government of India calling it a ‘Radical Hindu Government’ and accused the Indian Government of the ongoing violence against Christians in the state.

Daniel Stephen Courney has used the same vehicle bearing West Bengal number plate during his entire trip to the northeastern states. In one of his posts on Meta, Courney wrote:
Headed tomorrow to Manipur (northeast India) where 400 churches were burned to the ground in the past three months. At least 200 Christians have been systematically slaughtered — and that’s only what’s been reported. We will be preaching, encouraging and delivering medicine, food, and other aid, God willing.
Kuki Christian women are paraded around naked and then raped and murdered by the Meiti Hindu tribe (I saw the video).
A government-ordered media and internet blackout keeps this large-scale human-rights violation under wraps.
You won’t hear about it in any western media news outlet. India’s Prime Minister Modi hasn’t even MENTIONED it until after two months. The United Nations recently rebuked the Indian government for this egregious betrayal of its own citizens (the Indian army did not help, under order from Modi’s government).
Lalan D Peter, M S Kumar, and I are heading out tomorrow to affected Kuki villages and relief camps

On August 10, 2023, he posted on his Facebook account seeking funds from foreigners for the Manipur violence victims by saying – “At least 400 churches were burned to the ground. Hundreds of Christians killed. Countless families had their homes and entire villages razed to the ground”.

Daniel Stephen Courney on-purposes has put a label on him as a “street-preacher”, with the help of American Deep State, as it helps him in hiding his actual agenda.

Christian preacher and terror-patron Daniel Stephen Courney seen with a person named M. S. Kumar from Hyderabad while distributing 50 Assamese New Testaments on the Platform No. 6 of the Guwahati Railway Station, Assam in August 2023

According to a number of credible sources, there are several serious allegations against Courney. These are:

  • Daniel Stephen Courney frequently enters India through India-Nepal border using the opportunity of visa-free movement,
  • He coordinates supply of weapons, explosives, sophisticated communication devices and drones and “logistics” to insurgency groups in Manipur and other northeastern states in India as well as Myanmar and Bangladesh,
  • He sometimes falsely claims to be Jewish and a former officer of Israel Defense Forces (IDF),
  • Daniel Stephen Courney maintains connections with Islamist parties and militancy groups in West Bengal,
  • He also is involved in drug trafficking and circulation of counterfeit Indian currency (printed by Pakistani ISI),
  • In Nepal, he frequently meets some Pakistani nationals,
  • He is notoriously anti-Hindu, anti-BJP and anti-Narendra Modi,
  • He is regularly plotting attacks on security forces.

It is also learnt that, Daniel Stephen Courney oversees and helps in production and smuggling of marijuana in Manipur and other northeastern states in India. Similarly, by maintaining connections with Arakan Army in Rakhine State in Myanmar, he has been actively involved in smuggling to “meth” to various destinations in Europe and America. He also has been frequently entering Chittagong Hill Tract districts with the help of Kuki insurgency group as well as Arakan Army and holding secret meetings.

Passports of Daniel Stephen Courney, his Indian wife Anusha and children. Although Anusha’s Indian passport is shown in the photo, she also holds an American passport

Daniel Stephen Courney mainly targets Hindus in India, while he also targets Muslims and Buddhists in Bangladesh and Myanmar.

Meanwhile, in an interview with Russian media outlet Sputnik, the Foreign Evangelists’ Cyber Monitoring Desk (Kohima), part of the Indian non-profit Legal Rights Observatory (LRO) stated, “The biggest project of the US Baptist Church in India right now is ‘Nagaland for Christ,’ which is supported by banned militant groups like the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) and other separatist organizations. Dozens of Western missionaries, including those from the US and other Western countries, are present in Nagaland. Many of them have in the past have disregarded tourist visa norms and engaged in religious work”.

Sputnik correspondent Dhairya Maheshwari in his report, quoting LRP group claimed, another “notorious organization based in the US, the Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) has been conducting preaching events in India”.

Family photo of Daniel Stephen Courney, his Indian wife Anusha and children

He further said, an Australian citizen, currently living in Meghalaya has also been actively proselytizing on behalf of SIM among Garo tribes along the Meghalaya-Assam border. the Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) has a reputation of engineering conversions in Africa.

Maheshwari further stated, in February of this year, two American citizens – 64-year-old John Matthew Boone and 77-year-old Michael James Flinchum – were arrested in Assam for attending a Baptist convention while on tourist visas.

In October 2022, police in Assam reported that they had deported three Swedish nationals and placed several Germans under restrictions for engaging in unauthorized “religious activities”.

Quoting the Legal Rights Observatory (LRO), Sputnik said, India and the entire South Asian region fall within the so-called 10/40 Window, which encompasses parts of both Africa and Asia. The US-backed missionaries are particularly active in these areas, as they tend to focus on areas where missionary efforts have yet to gain traction.

Sputnik India has examined the fundraising campaigns of Baptist groups like International Ministries (IM), the Netherlands-based Open Doors, and the US-based Wesleyan Methodist Church. These campaigns often depict Christians as a “vulnerable target” in Manipur. However, they overlook an important aspect: the ethnic violence in Manipur has adversely impacted thousands from both communities, with both temples and churches suffering attacks.

In another report, Sputnik India, quoting Colonel R Hariharan, a retired military intelligence specialist on South Asia and terrorism said, the Indian Baptist Church in the northeastern states was “sympathetic to their kin” in Myanmar, where anti-government rebels were being backed by the US.

There was “definitely American involvement in support of [the] insurgents fighting in Myanmar” to bring down the military government”, Hariharan asserted, emphasizing that the ‘US District of Colombia (DC)’ Baptist Church had established numerous congregations in Myanmar, representing at least three ethnic groups: Chin, Kachin, and Karen.

He said, these areas have been facing insurgency for the last four decades. At one stage, Mrs. Bush Jr, the wife of former President George Bush Jr, was the chairman of the Baptist Helpline to Karens in Myanmar. The Biden Administration’s passed BURMA Act formalizes US supplies of ‘nonlethal’ aid to the insurgent groups fighting the military government which is ruling Myanmar for the last three years.

Colonel Hariharan further stated that the Chins and Kachins inhabit areas along the borders of the Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, and Mizoram, while the Karens reside near the border with Thailand.

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An internationally acclaimed multi-award-winning anti-militancy journalist, writer, research-scholar, counterterrorism specialist and editor of Blitz. He regularly writes for local and international newspapers on diversified topics, including international relations, politics, diplomacy, security and counterterrorism. Follow him on 'X' @Salah_Shoaib

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One response to “Daniel Stephen Courney, a deep-covered operative coordinating insurgency and militancy activities in South Asia”

  1. Arbind Kumar says:

    Mr. Shoaib ! I went through your article. A great revelation. How Christian Missionaries are active in the Northeast with the help of a few local leaders and our naughty friends, require to be studied in a historical perspective. Article 25 of the Indian Constitution guarantees right to religious freedom : 1. Freedom of conscience ; 2. Freedom to practice religion . The people have the right to freely practice, profess, and propagate their religion. ‘Practice’ and ‘Profess’ words are general terms for any religious practices including Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism& Jewish religion. They traditionally don’t have a missionary activities at all. So word ‘Propagate’ hardly have any relevance for them. Founding Fathers of our Constitution were not very much interested in including the word ‘Propagate’ in this particular Article of the Constitution. You will be surprised to know that this world ‘Propagate’ had been inserted in the Article 25 of the Indian Constitution on the advice of Pt. Nehru who wanted to see Christian Missionaries be active in India as usual. Only Christianity have Missionary activities and none others. That’s why the word ‘Propagate’ was inserted in our Constitution. So how the play of Christian Missionaries had been continued even after the British left India with the help of a Particular person in power.

    Secondly, you might be knowing an Arabian Philosopher, Ibn Khaladun of 13th century or so. He wrote a book called “Muqadama”. In that book, he had written that any Dynasty after fourth generation not only declined but vanished away, because it developed a sedentary culture. Thanks !

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