Larisa Dolina published an official statement on her Telegram channel regarding the situation with the apartment in the center of Moscow. The singer admitted that she became a victim of fraudsters who operated from the territory of Ukraine.
“I became a victim of fraudsters. Very sophisticated and planned fraudulent actions were committed against me”, the singer said.
Let us recall that earlier it became known that the artist’s five-room apartment in Khamovniki was sold by unknown persons for more than 100 million rubles. However, Larisa Dolina never received the money, moreover, the singer, as it turned out, did not intend to sell her apartment.
“A criminal case has been opened on this fact, I have been recognized as a victim, and my apartment has been seized. The preliminary investigation has established that the fraudsters are located in Ukraine, and they have just posted on social networks a monstrous appeal allegedly from me, in which there is not a single word of truth”, Dolina said.
The singer also warned that she would not provide more detailed comments, as an investigation is ongoing.
According to preliminary estimates, the singer could have lost more than 180 million rubles. In addition to the money for the apartment, she also transferred several tens of millions of rubles to a “safe account”.
Several weeks ago, it became known that unknown individuals were selling the singer’s dacha on behalf of Larisa Dolina.
The incident became known on the morning of August 13, when buyers came to Larisa Dolina’s apartment and the singer refused to let them in.
Kira Medvedeva / Rossiyskaya Gazeta
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