Church of Bangladesh celebrates 50th anniversary

Church of Bangladesh, Anglican Communion, Members of the Church, St. Thomas’ Cathedral

In a jubilant display of faith and fellowship, the Church of Bangladesh recently marked a significant milestone-its 50th anniversary. From March 1st to 2nd, amidst joyous celebrations, members of the Church, along with esteemed guests including the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, the Rt. Rev. Anthony Poggo, gathered to honor this momentous occasion. This special event coincided with the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of St. Thomas’ Cathedral, an iconic landmark nestled in the heart of Dhaka.

The Church of Bangladesh stands as a shining example of unity, born out of the merger of various Protestant denominations, including Anglican and English Presbyterian traditions. Embracing its diverse membership, which encompasses a rich tapestry of cultures and ethnicities, the Church exemplifies the principles of inclusivity and harmony that lie at the core of its ethos.

Under the resonant theme of “One Apostolic Church, One Family, and One Future,” the celebrations reverberated with the rich history and ecumenical spirit of the Church of Bangladesh. Rt. Rev. Poggo, in his eloquent address during the Thanksgiving service on March 1st, lauded the community for their steadfast unity and unwavering commitment to ecumenism. He underscored the significance of their exemplary unity, not only within the Anglican Communion but also on a global scale.

The journey of the Church of Bangladesh began five decades ago, with its declaration as a fully autonomous and independent entity within the territorial bounds of Bangladesh. Since then, it has flourished, with eight deaneries and 115 parishes spread across three dioceses. The membership, numbering around 22,000, reflects the vibrant tapestry of Bangladeshi society, encompassing a myriad of ethnicities and cultures.

Central to the vision of the Church of Bangladesh is its unwavering commitment to being a beacon of light and hope in the communities it serves. Through a plethora of initiatives focused on spiritual renewal, youth empowerment, inter-religious dialogue, and addressing pressing socio-economic challenges, the Church endeavors to fulfill its mission of spreading love and compassion.

During his visit, Rt. Rev. Poggo commended the Church’s visionary outlook, applauding its efforts to address contemporary issues such as climate change and social justice. He expressed his fervent hope that the Church of Bangladesh would continue to shine brightly, illuminating the path towards a more just and equitable society.

In addition to celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Church of Bangladesh, the occasion also served as a poignant reminder of the bicentennial anniversary of St. Thomas’ Cathedral. Erected in 1819 and inaugurated in 1824, the cathedral has stood as a steadfast symbol of faith and resilience for two centuries. From its humble beginnings to its present status as a vibrant hub of worship, St. Thomas’ Cathedral holds a special place in the hearts of believers.

In his poignant sermon delivered at the anniversary thanksgiving service, Rt. Rev. Poggo reflected on the profound significance of commemorating such historic milestones. He urged the congregation to pause and reflect on the manifold blessings bestowed upon them over the past two centuries, and to offer heartfelt gratitude for the journey that has brought them to this pivotal moment.

The Rt. Rev. Samuel Sunil Manhkin, primate and moderator of the Church of Bangladesh, echoed these sentiments in his impassioned address, emphasizing the cathedral’s role as a living testament to the enduring faith of the community. From its inception under the Church of Pakistan to its present status within the Church of Bangladesh, St. Thomas’ Cathedral has borne witness to the collective journey of believers through the ages.

As the Church of Bangladesh looks towards the horizon, it does so with a renewed sense of purpose and dedication. Guided by its unwavering commitment to service and love, the Church stands ready to embark on the next chapter of its journey, spreading the gospel and making a positive impact on society.

In commemorating fifty years of unity and two centuries of faith, the Church of Bangladesh and St. Thomas’ Cathedral serve as beacons of hope, illuminating the path towards a brighter tomorrow. As they chart their course into the future, they do so with hearts full of gratitude and eyes fixed firmly on the horizon, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


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