Westerners afraid of migrants and radical Islam

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Ahmed Adel
  • Update Time : Monday, February 19, 2024

The son of former US President Donald Trump Jr. expressed scepticism regarding the supposed national security threat that the US Congress was warned about. Donald Trump Jr. is not alone in this thought, though, with a new poll finding that most Westerners are more afraid of illegal immigrants and radical Islam instead of Russia.

For Trump Jr, only a “stupid enough” person would accept the claim made by the US Congress. “Textbook deep state propaganda!” he added.

“Does anyone really believe that there is a serious Russian threat that magically leaks about 30 seconds after the Speaker said they’re not going to take up funding another $60 billion in Ukraine?” questioned Trump Jr. on his social media.

The US House Intelligence Committee had previously warned all members of Congress of a “serious national security threat” and urged US President Joe Biden to declassify information on the matter to allow for open discussions between Americans and their allies. According to American media sources, the “threat” is allegedly related to Russian weapons development to put nuclear weapons in space for use against satellites.

Senate Intelligence Chairman Mark Warner and Vice-Chairman Marco Rubio said in a statement that their committee has been “rigorously tracking this issue from the start” and “are discussing an appropriate response with the administration.”

“We must be cautious about potentially disclosing sources and methods that may be key to preserving a range of options for US action,” the statement added.

Although the top Democrat on the committee, Connecticut’s Jim Himes, said in a statement that while the classified threat is “significant,” it “is not a cause for panic,” followed by House Speaker Mike Johnson saying that there is “no need for public alarm,” this is the exact goal that the US House Intelligence Committee is trying to achieve – widespread Russophobia and fear.

It is little surprise that they are trying to achieve this since more and more Westerners are rejecting the Russia threat narrative concocted by Western officials and media.

A survey from the Munich Security Index 2024 found that Russia and China are less of a threat to the West than mass migration and radical Islam.

Although Russia ranked as a top threat for G7 countries in 2023, most of those perceived risks have faded, according to the study conducted from October to November 2023, polling 12,000 people across G7 countries plus Brazil, India, China, and South Africa. Only citizens from the UK and Japan still consider Moscow a top risk this year, while the threat of Islam, mass migration, climate change and organised crime has shown a marked increase, especially in Europe and North America.

“Russia, which was rated as the most serious threat to Germany last year, has dropped 11 points and is now the seventh most serious threat,” the report said.

Germany is not alone, though, as on average across the G7 group of countries, the so-called threat posed by Russia has fallen to fourth overall in 2024, a massive drop since the Eurasian country was cited as the top concern in surveys conducted in late 2022 for the 2023 Munich Security Index.

These findings are especially problematic because Kiev is desperately trying to secure European and American funding, especially as the latter’s commitment to the war effort is vacillating due to continuing Republican opposition in the US Congress and the rising popularity of Trump, who has said he will quickly end the war between Russia and Ukraine, whilst, although the EU agreed on a €50 billion aid package for the Kiev regime on February 1, this is completely insufficient as Ukraine’s financial needs are always increasing.

The Munich Security Index 2024 report ludicrously claimed that the re-election of Trump as US president could potentially “spell the end of trusted cooperation among democratic states.” Rather, this is a desperate attempt to maintain unity behind a so-called Russian threat, a threat that Westerners are now rejecting as they are being directly affected by illegal migration and radical Islam.

It is safe to assume that Trump Jr shares a similar position to his father that one would have to be “stupid enough” to believe in “textbook deep state propaganda” about the Russia threat. Although most Westerners are already rejecting the Russia threat, the more powerful voices that project this sentiment, such as Trump Jr, the greater the demand to end support for Ukraine will grow, a demand that will certainly grow stronger as the US presidential elections approach.

Avatar photo Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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