Team Biden set to spend US$65 billion to censor the internet


The internet, once a marvel of private sector innovation, has become a ubiquitous aspect of modern life, with nearly 92 percent of Americans enjoying access today. Yet, despite its remarkable growth and accessibility, the Biden administration is embarking on a concerning path of internet regulation, wielding a US$65 billion infrastructure bill to expand government control under the guise of “preventing digital discrimination”.

Formerly, the American government’s approach to the internet was hands-off, allowing the free market to flourish and innovation to thrive. However, the current administration seems determined to alter this trajectory by empowering the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to police the internet, ostensibly to address disparities in access.

Under the pretext of combating “digital discrimination”, the FCC has adopted a standard known as “disparate impact”, enabling it to sue telecom companies based on demographic disparities in internet access, without requiring evidence of intentional discrimination. This approach not only threatens to stifle innovation and investment but also sets a dangerous precedent for government overreach.

Despite the FCC’s own admission of finding “little or no evidence” of intentional discrimination, it has been granted broad authority to scrutinize and regulate every aspect of internet service providers’ operations, from network maintenance to pricing and marketing. This heavy-handed approach risks turning the internet into a regulated utility, reminiscent of failed regulatory efforts in other sectors.

Moreover, the Biden administration’s funding of projects aimed at censoring free speech further compounds the threat to internet freedom. By allocating taxpayer dollars to research initiatives targeting “misinformation”, the government is effectively fueling what has been termed a “censorship industrial complex”.

The National Science Foundation (NSF), for instance, has allocated millions of dollars to combat misinformation, raising concerns about government interference in online discourse and the erosion of free expression. Despite claims of impartiality, revelations of NSF program managers strategizing to suppress information deemed unfavorable underscore the dangers inherent in government-funded censorship efforts.

The Founders of the United States recognized the inherent danger of government censorship and enshrined protections for free speech in the First Amendment. Yet, the Biden administration’s embrace of information control through funding initiatives undermines these fundamental principles, posing a threat to democracy and the integrity of public discourse.

The Biden administration’s push for internet regulation and censorship represents a concerning departure from the principles of free enterprise and free speech. By wielding taxpayer dollars to expand government control over the internet and suppress dissenting voices, the administration risks undermining the very foundations of democracy and freedom of expression. It is imperative that citizens and policymakers alike remain vigilant in defending these fundamental rights in the face of encroaching government overreach.



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