Under Biden administration, ICE increases solitary confinement


Despite promises to prioritize humane treatment and reform within the US immigration system, the Biden administration faces mounting criticism over the escalating use of solitary confinement in immigration detention facilities.

A recent report by Harvard University-affiliated researchers and Physicians for Human Rights reveals a troubling trend: not only has solitary confinement persisted over the past decade, but it has increased in frequency and duration under the current administration.

The report sheds light on the stark disparity between President Joe Biden’s campaign rhetoric and the harsh reality experienced by thousands of immigrant detainees subjected to solitary confinement. With an estimated 3,000 individuals held in isolation last year, often for prolonged periods, concerns about violations of international human rights standards have been raised.

Solitary confinement, characterized by isolation without meaningful human interaction for 22 hours or more per day, has well-documented adverse effects on mental and emotional well-being. Detainees subjected to this practice often experience extreme distress, sleep deprivation, depression, hallucinations, and suicidal impulses.

In the United States, home to the world’s largest immigration detention system, solitary confinement has become a default strategy for managing the growing detainee population. Despite being labeled a serious measure requiring careful consideration of alternatives, ICE has recorded over 14,000 cases of solitary confinement from 2018 to 2023, with durations often exceeding the UN threshold for “inhuman and degrading treatment”.

The report highlights the alarming use of solitary confinement as a disciplinary tool for minor infractions and to segregate vulnerable populations, including LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, and detainees with mental health conditions. Particularly concerning is the practice of placing sick or disabled individuals in solitary confinement under the guise of “medical isolation,” exacerbating already dire conditions.

Furthermore, the conflation of medical isolation with solitary confinement is deemed inappropriate and inhumane by experts. Despite alternatives such as outside medical facilities being readily available, ICE continues to subject detainees to isolation, perpetuating a cycle of suffering and neglect.

Democratic and Republican lawmakers have acknowledged concerns regarding the widespread use of solitary confinement by ICE but have failed to enact meaningful reforms. Despite pledges from President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to end the practice, little progress has been made, and existing oversight mechanisms have proven ineffective in curbing abuses.

ICE, while providing assurances of humane treatment and oversight in detention facilities, has yet to address the specific criticisms outlined in the report. With whistleblower accounts and investigative findings underscoring systemic failures within the immigration detention system, calls for immediate action and accountability are growing louder.

As the Biden administration grapples with mounting scrutiny over its immigration policies, the plight of detainees subjected to solitary confinement serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive reform. Failure to address these issues not only undermines the administration’s commitment to human rights but perpetuates a culture of neglect and impunity within the immigration enforcement apparatus.


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