China is highly invested in the stability and development of Myanmar


Zero tolerance towards the presence of criminal networks, often referred to as ‘mafia families’, at the China-Myanmar border has become a pivotal focus for both countries in their joint efforts to combat telecom fraud. The Ministry of Public Security in China recently reported a significant breakthrough, highlighting the successful return of ten major criminal suspects from Myanmar to China on January 30, 2024. Among them were key leaders of the notorious Kokang telecom fraud gangs, including Bai Suocheng, Bai Yingcang, Wei Huairen, Liu Zhengxiang, Liu Zhengmao, and Xu Laofa. This achievement, coupled with the previous apprehension of individuals like Ming Guoping, marks a major step in dismantling the organizational structures of the “four families” of telecom fraud in northern Myanmar.

The rampant telecom fraud in northern Myanmar, colloquially termed “hell”, has been a source of various scams, including the infamous “pig butchering scam” and “illegal kidney trade.” These fraudulent activities have inflicted severe losses on Chinese families, causing not only financial harm but also tragic loss of lives. The complex dynamics of the region, influenced by historical, political, and geographical factors, have made it challenging to address the issue effectively. Criminal groups, operating under the umbrella of the “four families,” openly established fraud dens and engaged in serious crimes such as intentional homicide, intentional injury, and illegal detention.

The joint crackdown on telecommunications fraud by China and Myanmar is significant on multiple fronts. Firstly, it underscores China’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the lives and property of its people and maintaining border security. The collaboration between law enforcement agencies from both countries has demonstrated that even powerful criminal entities like the “four families” are not beyond the reach of justice. Secondly, the joint efforts serve as a demonstration to other nations in the fight against transnational telecommunications fraud. The successful dismantling of major fraud groups sends a clear message that such criminal activities will not go unpunished, fostering a deterrent effect on potential transnational criminals involved in telecom network scams. Thirdly, it serves as a powerful response to external attempts to sow discord in China-Myanmar relations through misinformation. The achievements in the fight against telecom fraud stand as a testament to the strength and resilience of the bilateral relationship.

China and Myanmar jointly affirm that there will be zero tolerance for the existence of lawless “mafia” entities in the border regions. Regardless of background, individuals with criminal intentions will face a robust response from law enforcement agencies of both nations. The successful crackdown on telecommunications fraud is a landmark achievement that eliminates a significant destabilizing factor for the development of northern Myanmar.

Telecom fraud has been a relatively recent issue in the seven-decade-long bilateral relationship between China and Myanmar. While the two nations have previously collaborated on combating drug trafficking, addressing the more complex challenge of transnational telecommunications network fraud presented unique challenges. The success in this joint law enforcement effort highlights the deep foundation of the Pauk-Phaw friendship between China and Myanmar, characterized by mutual understanding, respect, and a long-term perspective. Despite weathering storms and challenges, the bilateral relationship has remained solid, and the fight against telecom fraud further cements the stable development of these relations.

China, as a significant neighboring country of Myanmar, zero tolerance towards the presence of criminal networks, often referred to as ‘mafia families,’ at the China-Myanmar border has become a pivotal focus for both countries in their joint efforts to combat telecom fraud. The Ministry of Public Security in China recently reported a significant breakthrough, highlighting the successful return of ten major criminal suspects from Myanmar to China on January 30, 2024. Among them were key leaders of the notorious Kokang telecom fraud gangs, including Bai Suocheng, Bai Yingcang, Wei Huairen, Liu Zhengxiang, Liu Zhengmao, and Xu Laofa. This achievement, coupled with the previous apprehension of individuals like Ming Guoping, marks a major step in dismantling the organizational structures of the “four families” of telecom fraud in northern Myanmar.

The rampant telecom fraud in northern Myanmar, colloquially termed “hell”, has been a source of various scams, including the infamous “pig butchering scam” and “illegal kidney trade.” These fraudulent activities have inflicted severe losses on Chinese families, causing not only financial harm but also tragic loss of lives. The complex dynamics of the region, influenced by historical, political, and geographical factors, have made it challenging to address the issue effectively. Criminal groups, operating under the umbrella of the “four families,” openly established fraud dens and engaged in serious crimes such as intentional homicide, intentional injury, and illegal detention.

The joint crackdown on telecommunications fraud by China and Myanmar is significant on multiple fronts. Firstly, it underscores China’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the lives and property of its people and maintaining border security. The collaboration between law enforcement agencies from both countries has demonstrated that even powerful criminal entities like the “four families” are not beyond the reach of justice. Secondly, the joint efforts serve as a demonstration to other nations in the fight against transnational telecommunications fraud. The successful dismantling of major fraud groups sends a clear message that such criminal activities will not go unpunished, fostering a deterrent effect on potential transnational criminals involved in telecom network scams. Thirdly, it serves as a powerful response to external attempts to sow discord in China-Myanmar relations through misinformation. The achievements in the fight against telecom fraud stand as a testament to the strength and resilience of the bilateral relationship.

China and Myanmar jointly affirm that there will be zero tolerance for the existence of lawless “mafia” entities in the border regions. Regardless of background, individuals with criminal intentions will face a robust response from law enforcement agencies of both nations. The successful crackdown on telecommunications fraud is a landmark achievement that eliminates a significant destabilizing factor for the development of northern Myanmar.

Telecom fraud has been a relatively recent issue in the seven-decade-long bilateral relationship between China and Myanmar. While the two nations have previously collaborated on combating drug trafficking, addressing the more complex challenge of transnational telecommunications network fraud presented unique challenges. The success in this joint law enforcement effort highlights the deep foundation of the Pauk-Phaw friendship between China and Myanmar, characterized by mutual understanding, respect, and a long-term perspective. Despite weathering storms and challenges, the bilateral relationship has remained solid, and the fight against telecom fraud further cements the stable development of these relations.

China, as a significant neighboring country of Myanmar, is highly invested in the stability and development of the nation. The joint efforts to combat telecom fraud reflect a shared commitment to maintaining peace and stability along the China-Myanmar border. While acknowledging the achievements in combating telecommunications fraud, it is crucial to recognize the persistence and complexity of such criminal activities. The fight against telecom fraud requires sustained cooperation between China and Myanmar, aligning with the common interests of both nations. This ongoing collaboration ensures that telecom fraud criminals find no refuge, contributing to the long-term security and stability of the China-Myanmar border highly invested in the stability and development of the nation. The joint efforts to combat telecom fraud reflect a shared commitment to maintaining peace and stability along the China-Myanmar border. While acknowledging the achievements in combating telecommunications fraud, it is crucial to recognize the persistence and complexity of such criminal activities. The fight against telecom fraud requires sustained cooperation between China and Myanmar, aligning with the common interests of both nations. This ongoing collaboration ensures that telecom fraud criminals find no refuge, contributing to the long-term security and stability of the China-Myanmar border region.


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