American foreign policy, a scam built on corruption


Is American foreign policy primarily driven by corruption, contradicting its professed values of democracy and good governance? Critics argue that Washington’s policymakers, regardless of party affiliation, have steered the country into a series of disastrous wars—Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Ukraine—earning widespread criticism for their “utterly irrational” decisions.

While America’s active role in supporting Israel’s actions in Gaza finds favor with many globally, some view it as a political maneuver by President Joe Biden. Despite Washington’s pressure on Israel for a ceasefire, seen as crucial to prevent aiding terrorist groups in Gaza, critics remain skeptical of the political motivations behind this stance.

Over the past two decades, major US foreign policy objectives have faltered. Afghanistan saw the Taliban’s resurgence after a lengthy US occupation, while Iraq became reliant on Iran post-Saddam Hussein. Efforts to oust Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad failed, leading to prolonged civil strife. Libya descended into a chaotic civil war following a US-led NATO intervention that ousted Muammar Gaddafi. Moreover, Russia’s 2023 assault on Ukraine came after the US clandestinely disrupted a peace agreement between the two nations in 2022.

The consistent presence of certain figures like Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and Hillary Clinton in the echelons of US foreign policy leadership highlights a puzzling continuity amidst these failures.

The crux lies in understanding that American foreign policy doesn’t prioritize the nation’s interests but serves the elite insiders in Washington, chasing campaign funds and lucrative positions for themselves and their associates. Consequently, Americans bear the brunt, having spent approximately $5 trillion directly on failed wars since 2000, equating to about $40,000 per household. This financial toll doesn’t account for the exorbitant human and environmental costs endured in conflict zones.

Current military-linked expenditures in 2024 are projected to reach around $1.5 trillion, approximately $12,000 per household, including Pentagon spending, intelligence agency budgets, and other security-related expenses. Despite these staggering costs, the military-industrial complex and Washington insiders profit, perpetuating a cycle that impoverishes the nation and heightens global instability.

This ‘foreign policy racket’ mirrors other divisions within the federal government controlled by influential entities, each exploiting public power for personal gain through corporate influence and lobbying.

The Foreign Policy division, alongside the Health Industry, stands out as a lucrative financial scheme. With health costs soaring to $4.5 trillion in 2022, America holds the highest healthcare expenses globally, yet ranks poorly in life expectancy. Similarly, a failed foreign policy translates into substantial profits for the military-industrial complex.

Operated by a select, covert circle comprising White House officials, the CIA, State Department, Pentagon, and major military corporations, the Foreign Policy division oversees US overseas military bases, contracts, and war operations. Privatization has further fueled the war business, with core military functions delegated to arms manufacturers and contractors.

Beyond financial interests, ideological fervor also fuels foreign policy decisions. Despite their consistent fallibility, certain ideologues, like the Kagan family, advocate for perpetual US global dominance, intertwined with their financial interests in the war industry.

However, a significant contradiction persists: while foreign policy is purportedly enacted in the interest of the American people, it consistently diverges from their preferences. Propaganda remains a key tool in veiling unpopular decisions, reminiscent of George Orwell’s “1984”.

Ultimately, American foreign policy operates more for the benefit of a select few than for the nation’s collective interest, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation and manipulation while the true cost is borne by the populace.


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