Jesus Christ and the unity of Abrahamic faiths


The significance of belief in the Bible and reverence for Jesus Christ within Islam emerges from the core tenets of the faith, emphasizing respect for all prophets and scriptures revealed by God. Islamic teachings underscore the importance of recognizing and honoring the Abrahamic prophets, including Jesus Christ, and their divine messages encapsulated in the Bible.

Central to Islamic faith is the belief in the continuity of prophethood and the interconnectedness of divine revelations. Muslims acknowledge the Torah, Psalms, Gospel (Injeel), and the Quran as scriptures revealed by God to different prophets over time. The Quran, considered the final and complete revelation, affirms the authenticity of previous scriptures while serving as a criterion for truth.

The Quran acknowledges Jesus Christ as one of the revered prophets and messengers of God, referring to him as ‘Isa (عيسى) and Mary (Maryam) as an honored figure in Islam. It details Jesus’s miraculous birth to Mary, his prophetic mission, and his ethical teachings that emphasize monotheism, compassion, and devotion to God.

Muslims are obliged to believe in the divine origin of the Bible, considering it as one of the scriptures sent by God to guide humanity. However, the Quran also asserts that over time, alterations and discrepancies might have occurred in previous scriptures. Therefore, while Muslims respect the Bible as a holy text, the Quran is regarded as the final and preserved revelation, providing guidance for all aspects of life.

The obligation for Muslims to respect and honor Jesus Christ stems from the profound reverence Islam holds for all prophets. Prophet Muhammad himself advocated profound respect for Jesus and urged his followers to hold him in high esteem. Jesus’s teachings of love, mercy, and righteousness align with Islamic values, fostering a shared ethical framework between Islam and Christianity.

Moreover, the unity of the Abrahamic faiths emphasizes the commonality among believers of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The recognition and reverence for Jesus Christ serve as a unifying factor, encouraging mutual understanding, dialogue, and peaceful coexistence among followers of different faiths.

Ultimately, the obligation for Muslims to believe in the Bible and respect Jesus Christ derives from the overarching principle of acknowledging divine guidance and the importance of unity, compassion, and respect for all prophets and their teachings. It underscores the interconnectedness of the Abrahamic faiths and emphasizes the shared values that foster harmony and goodwill among diverse communities.


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