Impact of social media in election campaign in Bangladesh


In the rapidly evolving landscape of political communication, social media has emerged as a powerful tool, shaping the dynamics of election campaigns worldwide. The twelfth national parliament election in Bangladesh was no exception, as candidates and political parties harnessed the reach and influence of platforms like Facebook, ‘X’ (former Twitter), and Instagram to connect with voters, disseminate information, and mobilize support.

One of the defining features of the election campaign was the ability of social media to shape and redefine political narratives. Traditionally, mainstream media played a pivotal role in framing political discourse. However, in the age of social media, political actors gained the ability to directly communicate with the public, bypassing traditional gatekeepers. The candidates utilized platforms like Facebook and Twitter to disseminate their policy positions, share campaign updates, and counter opposition narratives in real-time.

Dr. Ayesha Khanam, a political analyst, emphasizes, “Social media has shifted the power dynamics in political communication. It allows candidates to craft and control their narratives, presenting their vision directly to voters without relying solely on traditional media outlets”.

Social media served as a dynamic and interactive space for engaging the electorate during the election campaign. Candidates and political parties utilized various strategies, including live videos, interactive polls, and Q&A sessions to connect with voters on a personal level. This direct engagement fostered a sense of inclusivity, making voters feel more connected to the political process.

Md. Hasan, a young voter, shared his experience, stating, “Social media made me feel more involved in the election. I could interact with candidates, ask questions, and get real-time updates. It made the whole process more transparent”.

Beyond mere engagement, social media played a crucial role in influencing voter perceptions. The visual nature of platforms like Instagram allowed candidates to humanize themselves, sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of their lives and campaign activities. This personalization helped create relatable images of political figures, potentially swaying voter opinions.

Professor Samina Huq, a media studies expert, notes, “The visual aspect of social media is particularly impactful. Voters are not just consuming information; they are visually connecting with candidates. This emotional connection can significantly influence voter perceptions”.

Social media proved instrumental in mobilizing support and facilitating grassroots campaigning. Campaign messages could be rapidly disseminated to a vast audience, allowing political actors to reach beyond traditional geographical constraints. Hashtags and online campaigns became powerful tools for rallying supporters and creating a sense of community among like-minded individuals.

Rafiq Ahmed, a campaign strategist, highlights the strategic use of social media, stating, “We focused on creating shareable content and leveraging hashtags to amplify our message. This not only mobilized our existing supporters but also reached new audiences, expanding our grassroots support”.

While social media brought undeniable benefits to the election campaign, it also raised concerns about misinformation, echo chambers, and the potential manipulation of public opinion. The spread of unverified information and the creation of online echo chambers challenged the democratic ideal of an informed electorate.

Dr. Farhana Ahmed, a researcher on digital media and democracy, warns, “While social media offers unprecedented opportunities for political communication, the unchecked spread of misinformation poses a threat to the democratic process. It is crucial to address issues of information integrity and online manipulation”.

The twelfth national parliament election campaign in Bangladesh witnessed the transformative impact of social media on political communication. From shaping political narratives and engaging the electorate to influencing voter perceptions and mobilizing grassroots support, social media emerged as a game-changer in the democratic process. While celebrating its potential, it is imperative for policymakers, tech companies, and civil society to collaboratively address the challenges posed by misinformation and manipulation, ensuring that the digital space continues to enhance, rather than undermine, the democratic ideals of transparency, inclusivity, and informed decision-making.


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