Home Decor: How to decorate your home on Raksha Bandhan? follow these tips


Home Decor : The festival has its own charm. On that day everyone wants to look special than other days and starts preparing for it well in advance. The festival of Raksha Bandhan is about to come. What dish to make? how to do what Everyone is planning. In such a situation, how did your house also look decorated on that day? It is important to pay attention to that. For this you do not need to worry too much. Just need to give a little time. On the day of Raksha Bandhan, all the brothers and sisters gather together in the house. To make brothers feel special, many sisters make rakhi and sweets by themselves at home. If you want to give some special look to your home too, then you can try these tips.

Raksha Bandhan

On the day of Raksha Bandhan, sisters first tie rakhi on the wrist of their brothers and for that they decorate the rakhi plate beautifully. Which they keep in the worship house. In such a situation, your worship house should also look beautiful on that day, so you can decorate it well. The decoration of lamps increases the brightness of the worship house.

Everyone likes greenery, so on Rakshabandhan, you can decorate the entrance of your house with Rangoli and indoor plants.

Can it be good if brothers and sisters meet and there is no fun? It is not known when the talk started and when it will end. To make this time of fun more memorable, you can decorate the balcony of the house in a special way, for this you can use attractive lights.

By decorating the house with bouquets of flowers, the house will be filled with fragrance. On the day of Raksha Bandhan, don’t fill the houses with unnecessary things, rather decorating them with flowers and lights as much as possible will give a simple and beautiful look.

Beautiful Rangoli can be made with flowers near the courtyard and gate of the house. This will make the entrance of the house look very beautiful.

You can give a new look to your house by changing the curtains of the house. If light colored curtains have been installed for a long time, then you can make the house beautiful by putting colorful curtains on Raksha Bandhan. You can make the beauty of the house attractive by planting some indoor plants and some fresh flowers next to the curtains. With plants all around, you will not only decorate your home but also give it a very fresh look.

The lights add to the sparkle of the festival. Entrance doors, balconies, windows and doors can be decorated using colorful lights. Adding colors matching your theme to the walls of the houses will surely make a big difference in the decor of the house. But if you do not want to change the color of your house, then you can decorate your hall by adding bright cushions and wall hangings to make it look beautiful.

raksha bandhan decoration

Nowadays there is a craze for selfies no matter what the occasion. It does not take time to take photos and put them on social sites. To tie rakhi on Rakshabandhan, one corner of the house can be decorated in a better way. Can be decorated with colorful cushions by installing good lights.

Photos always keep old memories fresh. On Rakshabandhan, you can decorate the hall by putting photo frames of old memories. Be it a childhood photo or a picture from the last festival. The photo frames on the walls enhance the beauty of the house along with refreshing the memories.

raksha bandhan decoration

We Indians love our culture very much. These festivals are also a good way to showcase this cultural heritage. In Rakshabandhan everyone likes to keep some old and vintage decor items in their home. Homes can be decorated attractively with such items. Beautiful artistic carpets can be used to give a beautiful look to the hall.

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All kinds of decorations can be seen only when the houses are cleaned. Therefore, start cleaning the house a week before the arrival of the festival so that you can remove the useless things lying in the house for a long time and make proper use of that place. Sprucing up any space doesn’t require a lot of expense, just a little rearranging. This time, try these suggestions and see that your home will sparkle even more.

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