Shivam was rescued safely, rescue operation successful for eight hours in Nalanda

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Blitz India
  • Update Time : Sunday, July 23, 2023

Nalanda. 4-year-old Shivam, who fell in a 150-feet deep borewell, has been pulled out safely. After a continuous rescue operation for 8 hours, the child was taken out with the help of two pipes. Shivam comes out crying. He is conscious now. After the rescue, he has been taken to the hospital by ambulance. There the team of doctors is examining him. DM Shashank Shubhankar told that the rescue operation has been successful. The child has been saved. The NDRF team ran the entire operation correctly and on time. The DM said that he is fully trained for this work and the help of many machines has been taken in this.

Fell in the borewell at around 9.30 am

Shivam fell into the borewell at around 9.30 am on Sunday. Camera inserted in borewell. Shivam was seen standing in his footsteps. The child was trapped at a depth of 60 feet. He was waving his hand. Water was also visible under it. The child was responding intermittently. Some food and drink was also given, but he could not understand. Monitoring was being done with the help of CCTV. He said that legal action will be taken against those who got the boring done and left it open. At present, the investigation of the child is going on.

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