Patients of conjunctivitis are increasing rapidly in this city of Jharkhand, these are the symptoms and prevention


At this time, due to rain and heat, many diseases are spreading in the city. In this, conjunctivitis is also one of those rainy diseases, which is infecting the eyes. It is also called Jai Bangla. From children to elders are falling prey to this disease. Every day ten to 20 patients are reaching OPD in MGM and Sadar Hospital for treatment. Most of the school children are falling prey to it. It starts with one eye, but soon the other eye also gets affected. It is completely cured within three to five days by continuous use of medicine.

Symptoms: Eye redness, burning, itching, stinging, sharp pain, swelling, continuous watering of the eye, stickiness on the eyelids and frequent accumulation of mucus in the eye

Prevention: Take full care of hygiene, if any symptoms appear, do not go out of the house and keep physical distance from people in the family as well, do not touch the eyes repeatedly, do not rub the eyes in case of itching, must wash hands with soap before and after putting eye drops, do not take medicine without doctor’s advice.

It is wrong to take medicine from yourself and put it in the eye, the problem may increase

Many types of eye drops are being sold in the market. If any wrong medicine falls in the eye, then it can increase the problem of the eyes. If any person has conjunctivitis disease in the eye, then first show it to the doctor and put the medicine according to his instructions. Take special care of cleanliness.

Dr. MM Jamal, HOD, Department of Ophthalmology


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