Paddy straw has been sown in 36 lakh hectare area in entire Bihar. So far, paddy has been planted in eight lakh hectare area only. Overall about 22.22% paddy has been sown in the state so far. The lowest 1.5% paddy has been sown in Bhagalpur division. 3-3% in Magadh and Munger divisions, 9% in Patna division, 27% in Saran division, 50% in Tirhut, 15% in Darbhanga, 45% in Saharsa and maximum 55% in Purnia.
More than 90% litters were cast
Paddy straw has been put in the designated area in all the divisions of the state. In Patna division, 97%, 89 in Magadha, 99 in Saran, 98 in Tirhut, 97 in Darbhanga, 95 in Munger, 95 in Bhagalpur, 98 in Saharsa and 97% in Purnia have been covered with paddy straw.
Four percent more planting than last year
According to the Agriculture Department, so far this year, four percent more paddy has been planted than last year. At the same time, this year the rain has also been said to be fine since last year. Last year till this time there was 40 per cent rainfall. So far this year, there has been 33 percent less rain.
Next week will be crucial
According to the departmental statistics, there is no possibility of drought in the state at present. But, the coming one week will be decisive for paddy cultivation. If there is no good rain for the next seven days, paddy cultivation will be affected. According to the Agriculture Department, till July 31 is the ideal time for paddy planting. Paddy was planted till August 15 last year. For this reason, there is a lot of scope for improvement in paddy cultivation.
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Farmers are resorting to pumpset to prevent paddy from getting less rain than average
Despite less than average rainfall in Gogri block of Khagaria district, paddy sowing has picked up pace. To make up for the lack of irrigation with pump sets, the farmers have started planting paddy in their respective fields. Despite less than normal rainfall, the farmers are busy planting paddy in their fields. Diyara’s farmers Ranjit Singh, Sanjit Singh, Sakaldev Singh told that due to the availability of paddy straw, farmers are forced to plant paddy plants by pouring water suitable for planting with pump sets and other means. are. So that the production of paddy is not affected due to longer days of weed.
Rainfall is less than average in Gogri subdivision area
According to the information received from the Khagaria District Agriculture Department, 448 mm of rain is needed in the month of July for the Kharif crop. But even after a fortnight has passed, only 150 mm of rain has been received. In such a situation, the farmers are worried due to less average rainfall. Block Agriculture Officer Randhir Kumar Singh told that 100 percent work of culling has been completed in the district. While half of the planting is still left.
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In Aurangabad district, maximum paddy was planted in Goh
The actual proportion of paddy planting in Aurangabad district has been very low so far. Despite this, paddy has been planted in the maximum area of 1740 hectares in Goh block area. On the other hand, paddy crop is planted in the lowest area of only 1.6 hectares in Dev block. Similarly, 141 hectares in Sadar block, 255 hectares in Barun, 94 hectares in Daudnagar, 74.50 hectares in Haspura, 55.900 hectares in Kutumba, 12 hectares in Madanpur, 25 hectares in Navinagar, 807.530 hectares in Obra and 32.406 hectares in Rafiganj block i.e. So far, paddy has been planted in only 3238.936 hectares of land in the entire district.
More rain in Obra, less in Rafiganj
Aurangabad district has received less than average rainfall. Its effect is being seen on agriculture. The average rainfall should have been 136.1 mm in the month of June, whereas only 37.5 mm of rain has been received. Similarly, there should have been an average rainfall of 323.3 mm in July, whereas till now the average rainfall of this month has been only 178.7 mm. If this condition of rain continues, then the farmers may face difficulty in planting paddy. Farmers are looking at the sky. However, in this month, Obra block area has received 354.6 mm of rainfall more than the average. At the same time, Rafiganj block has received the least rainfall of 86.4 mm. According to the data received from the District Statistics Department, 199 mm in Sadar Block, 138.6 mm in Barun, 270.2 mm in Daudnagar, 167.2 mm in Deo, 160.8 mm in Goh, 137 mm in Haspura, 156.8 mm in Kutumba, 136 mm in Madanpur and Navinagar. The block has received 158.8 mm of rain.
What do meteorologists tell
Siris Science scientist Dr. Anoop Kumar Choubey told that till Sunday 16th July it is not expected to rain. After this, the sky will remain cloudy from July 17. According to the weather forecast, there is a possibility of rain with thunder. The optimum time for transplanting long duration rice is over. Now by the third week of July, planting of medium duration paddy should be done. If late, the plant will not develop tillage. Production will be affected. Rabi farming will be affected.