Bangladesh and United States are not frenemies


The relationship between the United States and Bangladesh has been multifaceted, encompassing areas such as trade, security, and development. However, labeling Bangladesh as a “frenemy,” a term often used to describe a country that is both a friend and a rival, would be an oversimplification of the complex dynamics at play. It is crucial for the United States to view Bangladesh as a strategic partner in the region, fostering cooperation and collaboration rather than adopting a confrontational stance. This article explores the reasons why the United States should not consider Bangladesh as a frenemy and instead build a stronger relationship based on shared interests and common goals.

Bangladesh has experienced remarkable economic growth over the past few decades, making it an emerging economy in South Asia. The country’s booming garment industry, a robust IT sector, and a growing middle class have contributed to its rise as an attractive market for foreign investment. Bangladesh offers opportunities for American businesses to tap into its consumer market and explore manufacturing partnerships. By strengthening economic ties with Bangladesh, the United States can benefit from increased trade, job creation, and market access, fostering mutual prosperity.

Bangladesh has made significant strides in combating terrorism and extremism within its borders. The country has been successful in dismantling several terrorist networks and implementing robust counterterrorism measures. By partnering with Bangladesh in counterterrorism efforts, the United States can further bolster regional security and stability. Cooperation in intelligence sharing, capacity building, and counter-radicalization initiatives would be more effective in addressing common security challenges rather than viewing Bangladesh as a rival.

As one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, Bangladesh faces significant environmental challenges, including rising sea levels, cyclones, and river erosion. The United States, as a global leader in climate change mitigation and adaptation, can collaborate with Bangladesh to address these issues. By providing technical assistance, funding climate resilience projects, and promoting clean energy initiatives, the United States can not only support Bangladesh’s sustainable development but also enhance its own standing as a responsible global actor.

Bangladesh has been at the forefront of providing refuge to Rohingyas fleeing persecution in neighboring Myanmar. The country has demonstrated commendable compassion and resilience in hosting and providing for millions of displaced individuals. The United States, with its longstanding commitment to humanitarian assistance and human rights, should recognize and support Bangladesh’s efforts in dealing with this crisis. Strengthening collaboration in humanitarian assistance and development programs would not only alleviate the suffering of those affected but also enhance regional stability.

Democratic values and people-to-people exchanges

Bangladesh, as a vibrant democracy, shares core values with the United States, including freedom of speech, human rights, and democratic governance. Recognizing and encouraging the growth of democratic institutions in Bangladesh is crucial for maintaining a long-term strategic partnership. Promoting people-to-people exchanges, cultural diplomacy, and academic collaborations can foster a deeper understanding between the citizens of both countries, fostering stronger ties at the grassroots level.

Labeling Bangladesh as a frenemy of the US oversimplifies the nuanced relationship between the two friendly nations. Recognizing the potential for collaboration and building a strategic partnership based on shared interests and common goals is the way forward. By strengthening economic ties, cooperating in counterterrorism efforts, addressing climate change, supporting humanitarian assistance, and promoting democratic values, the United States can forge a mutually beneficial and enduring relationship with Bangladesh. It is through such collaboration that the two nations can work together to address regional challenges and contribute to a more prosperous and stable world.

United States: The largest development partner of Bangladesh

The United States has played a pivotal role as a development partner in Bangladesh, fostering economic growth, social progress, and institutional development. Over the years, the United States has demonstrated a strong commitment to supporting Bangladesh’s journey towards becoming a middle-income country. Through financial aid, technical assistance, and capacity-building initiatives, the United States has emerged as the largest development partner of Bangladesh. This article explores the significant contributions made by the United States and highlights the importance of this partnership in promoting sustainable development in Bangladesh.

The United States has been a key provider of economic assistance to Bangladesh. Through various programs, grants, and loans, the United States has supported infrastructure development, trade facilitation, and private sector engagement. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has played a crucial role in fostering economic growth by promoting entrepreneurship, enhancing agricultural productivity, and improving the business environment. Additionally, the United States has been an important trading partner for Bangladesh, providing market access for its products and contributing to the country’s export-oriented growth.

The United States has been actively engaged in promoting democratic values, good governance, and human rights in Bangladesh. Through diplomatic efforts, technical assistance, and capacity-building initiatives, the United States has supported the development of democratic institutions, electoral processes, and civil society organizations. The US government has also invested in programs aimed at strengthening accountability, transparency, and the rule of law, which are crucial for sustainable development and social progress.

Education and skill development are essential pillars for the socioeconomic advancement of any country. The United States has been instrumental in supporting Bangladesh’s education sector through scholarships, exchange programs, and educational grants. These initiatives have provided opportunities for Bangladeshi students and professionals to pursue higher education, gain valuable skills, and contribute to the country’s development. The Fulbright Program, for instance, has enabled numerous Bangladeshis to study in the United States, fostering academic and cultural exchanges between the two nations.

The United States has been actively involved in improving public health and human development outcomes in Bangladesh. Through partnerships with local organizations, the United States has supported initiatives in areas such as maternal and child health, infectious disease control, and nutrition. In particular, the United States has contributed significantly to Bangladesh’s progress in reducing child mortality, expanding immunization coverage, and combating HIV/AIDS. These efforts have had a positive impact on the well-being of Bangladeshi citizens and have contributed to the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters, including cyclones, floods, and earthquakes. The United States has been a reliable partner in providing disaster response and resilience support. Through emergency assistance, disaster risk reduction programs, and infrastructure development, the United States has helped Bangladesh enhance its capacity to mitigate the impact of natural disasters and respond effectively in times of crisis. Such collaborations have been critical in saving lives, protecting livelihoods, and building resilient communities.

The United States has emerged as the largest development partner of Bangladesh, contributing significantly to its economic growth, social progress, and institutional development. Through economic assistance, trade relations, democratic governance support, education and skill development initiatives, health interventions, and disaster response collaborations, the United States has made substantial contributions to Bangladesh’s sustainable development agenda. This partnership not only benefits Bangladesh but also strengthens the bilateral ties between the two nations. As Bangladesh continues its journey towards becoming a prosperous and resilient nation, the United States’ continued support will play a vital role in achieving these goals and fostering a mutually beneficial relationship.

United States needs to support a secular government in Bangladesh

The issue of regional security is of paramount importance, and supporting a secularist government in Bangladesh is crucial in ensuring stability and peace in the region. Bangladesh, as a South Asian nation with a significant Muslim population, has experienced political and social challenges in striking a balance between secularism and religious identity.

Supporting a secular government in Bangladesh is essential for countering religious extremism and preventing the rise of radical ideologies. By promoting a system that respects religious diversity and upholds secular values, the United States can help create an environment that fosters tolerance, inclusivity, and moderation. This approach is crucial in mitigating the influence of extremist groups and reducing the potential for religiously motivated conflicts that could spill over into neighboring countries.

A secular government in Bangladesh would play a significant role in preserving democracy and safeguarding the rights of religious and ethnic minorities. By promoting a system that upholds the principles of equality, freedom of religion, and protection of minority rights, the United States can help create an inclusive society where all citizens feel secure and valued. This not only contributes to regional stability but also sets a positive example for other countries grappling with similar challenges.

Supporting a secular government in Bangladesh is essential for enhancing social cohesion among diverse religious and ethnic groups. By fostering an environment that respects and acknowledges multiple faiths and beliefs, the United States can contribute to the creation of a harmonious society where individuals can coexist peacefully. Strengthening social cohesion reduces the potential for intercommunal tensions and conflicts that can have regional ramifications.

A secular government in Bangladesh would prioritize the protection of human rights and promote gender equality. By advocating for women’s empowerment, gender justice, and equal opportunities, the United States can support efforts to address societal inequalities and improve the status of women in Bangladesh. Advancing human rights and gender equality not only enhances the well-being of Bangladeshi citizens but also contributes to regional stability and progress.

A secular government in Bangladesh would be better positioned to address the challenges posed by terrorism and extremism. By promoting a system that separates religion from politics and fostering an inclusive society, the United States can support Bangladesh’s counterterrorism efforts more effectively. Collaboration in intelligence sharing, capacity building, and counter-radicalization initiatives can enhance the ability of both countries to combat the threats posed by extremist groups.

Supporting a secular government in Bangladesh is crucial for regional security, countering religious extremism, and promoting social cohesion. The United States can play a pivotal role in assisting Bangladesh in its efforts to maintain a balance between secularism and religious identity. By prioritizing the preservation of democracy, protection of minority rights, promotion of human rights and gender equality, and strengthening counterterrorism efforts, the United States can contribute to a more stable and secure region. Supporting a secular government in Bangladesh is not only in the best interest of the country itself but also aligns with the broader objectives of regional security and peace.


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