Vastu Tips: These things kept in the bathroom of the house can make a person poor, remove them immediately


Vastu Tips: Everything around where we live has a deep impact on our lives. People of Sanatan Dharma also build their house according to Vastu so that they are not affected by Vastu defect and they can lead a happy life. Everything from the house map to the interior decoration of the house is influenced by Vastu which has both positive and negative effects on us. We can get information about Vastu by meeting experts of Vastu or astrologer, we can avoid the negative effects of Vastu by following the suggestions given by them. According to Vastu Shastra, the bathroom has the maximum flow of negative energy in the whole house. In such a situation, you must know some important Vastu tips related to the bathroom. Read further what are the things that should not be kept in the bathroom according to Vastu.

Do not leave wet towels in the bathroom

Do not leave wet towels in your bathroom. Wet clothes help to conduct negative energy, they can affect your Vastu.

Do not go to the bathroom wearing broken slippers

Do not go to the bathroom wearing broken slippers, it helps Vastudosh to dominate you completely. At the same time, it also affects your good time and your money. Broken slippers can also cause many other problems like you can fall in the wet place there.

Do not keep broken plastic items in the bathroom

According to Vastu Shastra, do not keep broken plastic items like mugs, buckets and tubs in your bathroom. Such things affect your health and you may have to go through many difficulties.

Do not leave broken hair in the bathroom while taking a bath.

Women should keep in mind that some parts of their hair fall down while taking a bath and they leave them there and go out. These broken hairs help in increasing Vastudosh on you as well as hinder your progress.

Never keep broken glass in the bathroom

Never keep broken glass in the bathroom of your house. If they are in the bathroom of your house, then immediately take them out. These have a big impact on your wealth and can also make you indebted.

Story: Vaibhav Vikram

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