Monsoon Eye Care Tips: Do not ignore eye health, these are very easy tips to protect against infection


Eye Care: The problem of redness in the eyes, watery eyes and swelling of the eyelids increases during the rainy days. The main reason for this is conjunctivitis viral bacterial infection and allergy. To avoid this, do not ignore the health of your eyes in monsoon. If you get wet in the rain, wash your eyes immediately with clean water. Dust accumulated on the eyes, dirt going into the eyes increases the risk of infection. If you want to wipe your eyes, always use a clean cloth. The eyes are not harmed only by high heat, problems arise in the eyes due to excess moisture. Monsoon’s humidity also has adverse effects on our eyes. Many types of infections can also occur due to rain water entering the eyes.

This is how to take care of eyes in rainy days

eye care tips

Cleanliness should be taken care of in the rainy season.

Include handwash in your habit.

Always keep hands clean and dry.

Avoid touching your eyes again and again.

Wash your eyes with clean and cold water two to three times a day.

Keep handkerchief, towel and other daily useful things clean.

Do not share personal things like makeup items with others.

Staying in waterlogged areas can make you sick by coming in contact with viruses and bacteria.

Use spectacles instead of contact lenses in rainy season.

Protect eyes from dust storm.

Keep children away from water-filled pits in the rainy season, because bacteria thrive in these places.

If the problem bothers you too much, then without delay, consult an eye specialist. Often people start eating more hot fast food and street food in the rainy season. Due to which the body starts lacking essential nutrients. Because of this, health problems also increase, so with the change of weather, eat seasonal fruits and green vegetables and also drink plenty of water.

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