A state in Eastern India: More than 100 children of the school fell ill after consuming MDM in Vishnupur, an upgraded high school of Bathnaha block in Sitamarhi. It is being told that the lizard had fallen in the mid-day meal. After eating which, the health of more than 100 children of the school suddenly deteriorated. However, the headmaster of the school, Manoj Kumar, denied that the lizard had fallen in the mid-day meal. They say that due to the mistake of the cook, potato peel was lying in the food. Which was taken as a chameleon. After this incident, an atmosphere of panic was created in the village. Sick children were admitted to the local community health center by their relatives. An ambulance was called from the hospital on the information of PANSS representative Chiranjeevi Kumar. All the sick children have been admitted to the local community health center.
said the headmaster had mistaken the potato peel for a chameleon
The team of doctors treated all the children. All the sick children are now declared out of danger. It is a matter of pride that no child has died in this incident, but the negligence in MDM operation has definitely been exposed. The headmaster of the school, Manoj Kumar, says that due to the mistake of the cook, potato peel was lying in the food. Potato peel was mistaken for a chameleon. Due to which chaos spread among the children. The parents took their children to the hospital for treatment. BDO Ajit Kumar Prasad said that the incident will be investigated. Further action will be taken on the basis of whatever will come out in the investigation.
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sick children out of danger
In this case, Community Health Center in-charge Dr. SP Jha says that all the children who got sick after eating MDM are now out of danger. All are in good condition. There is no problem in any child after the treatment. The children are completely healthy.
(youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zNQCSfB92A) t)sitamarhi news