Jamshedpur: Class 4 girl shares non-veg in tiffin, expelled from school


Jamshedpur News: In the case of children, the matter of displeasure of the parents has come to the fore. In a dispute over tiffin sharing, the school management expelled a girl student from the school on the complaint of the parent, while the parent of another girl student took away her child’s TC from the school.

what is the whole matter

According to the information, in a school in Mango, two girl students of fourth grade shared tiffin among themselves. A student had brought non-veg in tiffin. She shared it with another girl student. But the family members of another girl student do not eat non-veg in Sawan. When his parents came to know about this, they complained about the matter to the school management. This caused a lot of uproar in the school.

student expelled from school

Seeing the matter getting worse, the school management called the family members of both the girl students and conducted counseling. When the matter was not resolved, the school management expelled the accused student from the school. Here, the relatives of the girl student who had eaten non-veg, demanded TC from the school management, after which she was given TC. The principal said that both are innocent children, did not do this intentionally.

Jamshedpur: Class 3 student locked in classroom after vacation, police took him out Controversy over sharing tiffin


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