Chirag Paswan, the national president of LJP (Ram Vilas), may announce his joining the NDA on Sunday. According to party sources, Chirag has called an important meeting of all the national office bearers and state office bearers of the party on Sunday at 10 am at the party headquarters in Srikrishnapuri. A major decision is expected to be taken in this meeting regarding joining the alliance. Due to having a lot of respect for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the possibility of Chirag Paswan joining the NDA has been expressed for a long time.
People will teach a lesson to those who destroyed Bihar
Here, in Nawada, Chirag Paswan said that the people who destroyed Bihar will be taught a lesson in this election. In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the wind of the opposition will run out. He said that JDU and RJD coalition government has been in Bihar for 33 years. Despite this, Biharis are being harassed everywhere. We will die only after fulfilling the dream of a developed Bihar. Everyone has to work together to achieve the goal of Bihar First Bihari First.
workers will not sit silent
We have brothers and sisters from Bihar who go by train to places like Delhi-Mumbai for employment. Things like education and employment have only been left as promises. Standing in line in front of Delhi AIIMS, we can easily do this by looking at the crowd, in which maximum number of people are from Bihar. If there were health facilities in our state itself, then the poor would not have to go to cities like Delhi and Mumbai for treatment. The laborers forced to starve will no longer sit silent and will remove these people from power.
Patna University Teachers Union Election on 17th, contest between 3-3 candidates for the post of President and General Secretary, list released
Chirag rained on the Bihar government
Chirag Paswan, the national president of LJP Ramvilas, talked about getting the local leader a ticket in the MP elections. Arrangements were made for snacks and food for all the people in the hosting of Dr. RP Sahu, the director of the institute and the leader of the party. In this, while talking to the journalists, he fiercely showed his anger on the Bihar government. During this, many top leaders of the party were present.