In Konhwa village of Nagar police station area of Gopalganj, two parties fought on Saturday over a land dispute, during which one side attacked the other with a knife, in which five people including father and son of the same family were injured. . After the incident, the relatives reached Sadar Hospital with all the injured, where the treatment started. The condition of the injured is still critical. At the same time, the atmosphere of the village has also remained tense.
Fight in land dispute
It is said that the family members of Harihar Sah, a resident of Konhwa, have been having a land dispute with their neighbors since the past. In this sequence, the neighbors started abusing on Saturday. When Harihar Shah’s family protested, they were attacked with a knife. Harihar Shah was seriously injured in this. At the same time, one of his daughters who came to rescue was also attacked, in which her hand was broken. At the same time, Harihar Sah’s wife and two other daughters were also injured in this attack. After this incident, everyone was taken to the hospital, where they are undergoing treatment.
Police investigating the matter
At the same time, people also threw stones at each other in the fight between the two sides. At the same time, the injured people were taken to the hospital for treatment with the help of nearby people. Where Harihar Shah and his family members are undergoing treatment. At the same time, due to the ongoing treatment of the injured, the application could not be given to the police. However, after getting the information about the incident, the police of Nagar police station also reached the spot and started investigating the matter. Along with this, she has started taking action after enquiry.
Attention Thugs calling as officers in Patna, demanding lakhs of rupees on the pretext of illness, know the whole matter (youtube