Surat: Checking in school vans and autos, fine for carrying more students than allowed

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News Desk
  • Update Time : Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The new session has started in the schools. In Surat, drivers carrying students beyond their capacity in vans and autos have been fined. Today checking was done by the police in the Eighth Lines area. In which the drivers carrying large number of students in dangerous manner, without permission and without necessary documents were fined.

Penalty for carrying more students than capacity

The city traffic police today took action against school van and auto rickshaw drivers carrying children beyond their capacity in the city. A school van and an auto rickshaw full of children were stopped by the traffic police near Vanita Vishram School, Athwalines, Surat. In which there were more children than capacity. Police fined the driver.

memo caught

RTO memo given including fine against school van and auto rickshaw drivers carrying children without prior permission of RTO. The city traffic police sought documentary evidence from school van and auto rickshaw drivers, including RTO clearance. Earlier also a special campaign was launched by the city traffic police.

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