IndiGo flight 6E 2303 going from Patna to Delhi had to make an emergency landing at Lucknow airport on Tuesday. In fact, a passenger’s health suddenly deteriorated in the plane. At that time the flight was around Lucknow. After which the pilot of the aircraft immediately contacted the ATC (Air Traffic Control) of Lucknow Airport and sought permission to land the aircraft. ATC gave permission for the plane to land. After that the plane diverted to Lucknow instead of going to Delhi and the pilot made an emergency landing of the plane at Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport in Lucknow.
patient admitted to hospital
A team of ambulances and doctors was present at the airport even before the plane landed. The sick passenger was taken off the plane and he was given first aid there. Then he was taken by ambulance to Apella Hospital in Lucknow. where the patient is being treated. The relatives of the patient have been informed about this. At the same time, other passengers present in the plane informed their relatives about the emergency landing of the plane. After which people standing at Delhi airport waiting for their relatives were seen repeatedly questioning the officials about the flight.
There were 160 passengers in the plane
This flight had taken off from Patna Airport carrying about 160 passengers from Patna to Delhi at around 2 pm. After this, the emergency landing of the aircraft took place in Lucknow at 2.45. Then this plane left for Delhi at 4.15 pm.