Bareilly : In a village under the Bareilly Cantt police station area of Uttar Pradesh, after the death of the girlfriend in suspicious condition, the lover also committed suicide. It is said that the lover was very upset after the death of the girlfriend. Due to which he committed suicide by hanging a rope on a tree outside the village. There is a lot of discussion in the area after the death of the young man. Police has taken the dead body in possession and sent it to postmortem. Along with this, the investigation is going on. Apart from this, another youth also committed suicide due to depression.
what is the whole matter
A girl from a village in the Cantt police station area of the city was having a love affair with a young man from a neighboring village. It was discussed by most of the people of the village. But in the past, the family members of the girl came to know about the love affair between the young man and the girl. After this, the relatives explained a lot to the girl. But, along with this restrictions started to be imposed. The girl died in suspicious condition on Monday. After this, the body of the lover was also found hanging from a tree near the village on Tuesday night. The people of the village informed the family members. Due to the death of the son, there was chaos in the family.
The police have started investigation by taking the dead body of the youth. It is said that the deceased lived in another house located in the village. The love affair between the young man and the girl was going on for a long time. Police has sought Tahrir from the relatives of the deceased for action. However, no tahrir has been given by the family members. Due to which the FIR has not been registered yet. But the police have started to know the reason behind the death of the girl. However, it is being told that the relatives of the girl are telling the cause of her death as illness. Police has started investigation in the death of the girl.
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young man died in depression
The dead body of 30-year-old Rahul, a resident of Balaji Colony Kandharpur village of Cantt police station area of the city, was found hanging in the room. It is said that he was in depression for a few days. Police has started investigation by taking possession of the dead body.
Report Muhammad Sajid, Bareilly