The world famous Shravani fair of Bhagalpur will be inaugurated on Tuesday at 3.30 pm at Namami Gange Ghat in Sultanganj. Bihar Government’s Revenue and Land Reforms Minister Alok Kumar Mehta, Agriculture Minister Kumar Sarvjit, Art, Culture and Youth Department Minister Jitendra Kumar Rai and PHED Minister Lalit Kumar Yadav will participate in the inauguration ceremony. After the inauguration ceremony, a cultural program will be organized on this stage. In this, well-known singer-cum-composer Kailash Kher of the film world will present the songs of Lord Bholenath. District Magistrate Subrat Kumar Sen, DDC Kumar Anurag and officials of various departments at the district and subdivision level reached Sultanganj on Monday to take stock of the preparations for the program and instructed to maintain better arrangements for the devotees. To keep an eye on the crowd in the Mela area, watch towers have been made at Jahaj Ghat, Seedhi Ghat and Krishnagarh Chowk.
These special guests will attend the opening ceremony
Bhagalpur MP Ajay Kumar Mandal, Banka MP Giridhari Yadav, MLAs Lalit Narayan Mandal of Sultanganj, Narendra Kumar Neeraj alias Gopal Mandal of Gopalpur, Ajit Sharma of Bhagalpur, Pawan Kumar Yadav of Kahalgaon, Bihpur among MLAs to attend the inauguration ceremony on Tuesday. Kumar Shailendra, Ali Ashraf Siddiqui of Nathnagar, Lalan Kumar of Pirpainti, Rajeev Kumar Singh of Tarapur, MLC Dr NK Yadav, Dr Sanjeev Kumar Singh, Vijay Kumar Singh, Sanjay Singh, Zip President Ananth Kumar, Sultanganj Municipal Council Chairman Raj Kumar Guddu And Deputy Chairman Neelam Devi has also been invited by the district administration.
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Ganga Maha Aarti will be held every day at Naya Stairi Ghat
Ganga Maha Aarti will be held every day in Sawan at the Ladder Ghat and Namami Gange Ghat located on the banks of the Ganges in Sultanganj. Only aarti and bhajan-kirtan will be organized in Mahaarti. No person will be glorified by calling in Mahaarti. In this event, the banner of the non-government company will not be displayed nor will there be any publicity. District cultural cell will monitor it. The Senior Deputy Collector of the District General Branch has authorized Sanjeev Jha, the General Secretary of Jahnavi Ganga Mahaarti Sabha, to organize the Mahaarti. Maha Aarti will be organized from July 4 to August 31 at the scheduled time.
Drinking water tankers will be available here
Stair Ghat, Jahaj Ghat, Near Ajgavinath Temple, Krishnagarh, Block Office, Dharamshala located at Government Bus Stand, Dharamshala located at Sitarampur, Adarsh Middle School, AK Gopalan College, Kamrai, Dhandhi Bellary Camp and Kanwariya Path where drinking water will not be available.
Sawan boom from home to market, travel agency business increased by 50%, garlic-onion free kitchen…
Health camps will be held here, the halting place of Kanwaris
Health Camp:- New Ladder Ghat, Jahaj Ghat, Women’s Hospital, Marwari Yuva Manch, Krishnagarh, Nonsar Pul, Asiyachak, Rampur Kamrai, Dhandhi Bellary Middle School, Gayatri Mandir, Teghda Fall Kacchi Road.
Stay place:- Dharamshala situated at New Ladder Ghat, Dharamshala situated at Block Office, Dharamshala situated at Krishnagarh, Dhandhi Bellary Camp, Adarsh Middle School, Passenger Shed at Railway Station, Dharamshala situated at Government Bus Stop, Dharamshala situated at Sitarampur.
List of rates of materials will be displayed in every shop
During the fair, the list of rates of food and essential items will be done through flex and pamphlets in the entire fair area. Shopkeepers will display a table of fixed rates in front of their shops. Legal action will be taken against shopkeepers who sell stale food at high prices. A team of officials has been deployed to investigate this. Civil surgeon will monitor this team. Block Supply Officer of Sultanganj, District Food Safety Officer and Block Supply Officer of Shahkund will be there in this investigation team. Four boats, sailors, divers and a net will be arranged at the bathing ghats of the Ganges.
Savan, the favorite month of Mahadev, starts from today, this month Bholenath comes to his in-laws’ house, know what is the belief…
important mobile number
District Magistrate : 9473191381
Senior Superintendent of Police : 9431800003
ADM : 9473191382
Sadar SDO : 9473191383
Sultanganj Police Station : 9831822617
Bath Police Station : 9431822608
Akbar Nagar Police Station : 9431822610
control room telephone number
District Control Room : 0641-2402082
Sultanganj Police Station : 0641-2492064
Ajgaivinath Temple : 0641-2492062
Ship Wharf : 0641-2492012
Krishnagarh : 0641-2492085
New Staircase Ghat : 0641-2492086
Block Campus : 0641-2492065
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