Aligarh, An anti-corruption police station has been opened in Chherat police line in Aligarh, UP. Now complaints related to corruption can be made here. Due to the policy of zero tolerance on corruption of the state government, the anti-corruption police station is operational in the district from the month of November 2022. The work area of the Anti Corruption Police Station established in Chherat Police Line is all the four districts of Aligarh Division. Till now the work was done in all the four districts by the anti-corruption unit established in Agra. In-charge Inspector Corruption Prevention Unit Devendra Singh said that he is determined to eradicate corruption from government departments.
Complain in anti corruption police station on demand of bribe
Concrete steps have been taken by Uttar Pradesh on a large scale to eliminate corruption in government offices. He has urged the general public that if any officer-employee demands facility fee, bribe, money, remuneration in lieu of getting the benefits of the schemes of the state government, then do not give it at all. Rather, complaint can be lodged on telephone number 9454402485 and e-mail [email protected]. He told that the name of the complainant will be kept completely confidential. He told that 01 inspector and 08 constables including the inspector in charge are working in Thana Anti Corruption New Police Line Chherat.
In Aligarh, the photo of the inspector smoking cigarette while sitting in the police post went viral, the investigation was handed over to the jurisdictional officer.
Previously operated from Agra
In-charge Inspector Corruption Prevention Unit Devendra Singh said that in March 2023 in Etah district, the watt-measurement inspector has been caught red-handed after receiving a complaint of demanding a bribe of Rs 10,000. Case has been registered and sent to jail, legal process is in progress. Now government employees who ask for bribe will not be able to escape. Those who demand facility fee from the public will go to jail. To curb corruption, a police station has been opened in the police line. The government is also working on the policy of zero tolerance.
Report- Alok, Aligarh