Ranchi, Rajlakshmi. Jharkhand BJP’s new state president, former CM Babulal Marandi reached the state office in Ranchi late Tuesday evening. Party leaders and workers warmly welcomed the new state president as soon as he reached here. During this, the new president of BJP Jharkhand state Babulal Marandi also addressed the media. He expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit, Union President JP Nadda and said that I will work for the state according to my capacity and fulfill the responsibility assigned to me.
‘Will work for the construction of Jharkhand’
At the same time, Babulal Marandi addressed the Bharatiya Janata Party as ‘party of the soil’ during a conversation with the media and said that we will work towards taking the party of the soil to the masses. He said that we will work to build a better Jharkhand. Along with this, on the leadership of former state president Deepak Prakash, he told that under his leadership, the party has struggled in the state on many public issues and will continue to talk about public issues only and will take them to the people.
‘Deepak Prakash only gave the information’
At the same time, Babulal Marandi expressed his gratitude to Deepak Prakash and said that it was Deepak Prakash who informed him that he was going to get this responsibility. The newly appointed state president said that he thanks all the people of the organization and now together with all the workers, he will be engaged in strengthening the party and building a better Jharkhand. Along with this, we will work to strengthen the efforts that are being made for the last three years.
Former CM Babulal Marandi became the new state president of Jharkhand BJP, given command in place of Deepak Prakash
‘Will leave no stone unturned in Lok Sabha elections’
Babulal Marandi, keeping his point on the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha and Vidhansabha elections, said that this time we will complete the work left unturned in the last Lok Sabha elections and we have started working for it. Also, on the assembly elections, he said that this time we will enter the field with strength and will try to form the people’s government. Let us inform that BJP national president JP Nadda has appointed former CM Babulal Marandi as the new state president.
(youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4RuPsLkZ2E)