Lucknow, A horrific road accident took place in Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh, in which two people died on the spot. In the Kamlapur area of Sitapur, on Monday, a high speed vehicle fell down uncontrollably. In this accident, two people in the car died on the spot, while two others were seriously injured. As soon as the information about the accident was received, the police reached the spot, took the dead bodies of both the deceased and sent them for postmortem.
Two people died in the accident
Both the injured were referred to Lucknow after first aid. According to the information, this accident happened when the car riders were going from Lucknow to Sitapur. When the car reached Kamlapur area, at the same time the driver increased the speed of the car. Meanwhile, the speeding car collided with the divider and fell into the ditch. This accident was so gruesome that two people in the car died on the spot. The police, who reached the information of the incident, started identifying the victims of the accident.
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Car fell into 70 feet ditch
Sitapur (South) Additional Superintendent of Police said that the incident took place when the driver of a car going from Lucknow to Sitapur lost control of the vehicle. The car hit the divider and fell into a 70 feet deep gorge. In this accident, two people died on the spot. While two people have been seriously injured. Those who died in the accident have been identified as Sandeep Verma age 52 years and Manish Sharma age 40 years. Regarding the injured in the accident, the Additional Superintendent of Police told that both have been taken to Lucknow for better treatment.