Sakti district of Janjgir, Chhattisgarh Sakreli Railway Gate The railway track and the National Highway remained jammed for 7 hours due to the truck getting stuck and catching fire. The railway track and the National Highway became normal after the fire engines extinguished the fire and the track was evacuated by the JCB vehicle.
While crossing the gate, the truck got hit by the wire on the railway track
While crossing the Sakreli gate in Sakti district, the truck caught fire after coming in contact with the wire on the railway track. The truck was loaded with tyres, which came in contact with the OHE wire of the railway due to overloading. Then the truck caught fire. Somehow the driver has saved his life by jumping. Vehicular traffic remained closed on the National Highway for eight hours. At the same time, the movement of trains was lying closed in the railway track. This accident happened around 11.30 pm. This incident is being told of Baradwar police station area.
the truck was overloaded
According to the information received, at around 11.30 pm on Friday night, a truck loaded with tyres, was overloaded. While crossing the Sakreli gate, the OHE came in contact with the wire and the truck caught fire. The flames spread rapidly and engulfed the entire truck. The truck driver somehow saved his life by jumping from the truck. Train service was disrupted due to fire in the middle of the railway track. People also had to face difficulties. At the same time, there was a long queue of vehicles up to 5 kilometers on the National Highway road.
The fire was brought under control after hours of struggle
On receiving the information about the fire on the railway track, the district administration and the police department had reached the spot. The fire brigade team reached and after hours of effort, the fire was brought under control. With the help of JCB, the Malwa side of the truck was taken out of the railway track. After which the movement of trains has been started after hours.
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