Sawan 2023: This time there will be devotional festivals in Sawan, two new moons and two full moons, know important things


Sawan 2023: Shravan, the holy month of devotion to Lord Bholenath, is going to start from 4th July. It is special that this time Sawan is going to be of two months. That is, this time there is Malmas in Sawan, due to which the devotees of Bholenath will get 8 Mondays to worship him. In fact, it is an astrological process of balancing the solar months and the lunar months on the basis of the movement of the Sun and the Moon. That’s why our festivals are also held according to their season. This combination of Malmas in Sawan has been made after 19 years, which will now be seen in the year 2050.

Sawan month will be of two new moons and two full moons.

This time there is a Malmas in Sawan. Meaning that this month will be of two new moons and two full moons. Among these, the first Krishna Paksha (from 4th July to 17th July) Shuddha Shravan and the last Shuklapaksha (from 17th August to 31st August) will also be considered pure. Shravan Shukla Paksha and Shravan Krishna Paksha (from July 18 to August 16) that come between these two will be called Adhimas and Malmas.

This astrological process of balancing the Hindu months

In fact, it is an astrological process of balancing the solar months (solstices of Aries, Taurus etc.) and lunar months (Chaitra, Vaishakh etc.) on the basis of the movement of Sun and Moon. That’s why our festivals are also according to their season, otherwise our festivals like Holi, Diwali would sometimes be held in rainy season and sometimes in winter and summer.

supernumerary is not a new thing

This excess is not a new thing. According to the astrological calculation, within every third year, one or the other Adhimas comes, or rather, after the passage of 32 months, 16 days and 4 hours (1 hour 36 minutes), Adhimas comes. According to Vedang astrology, there are two malmas in one Yugavarsha (a value of five years). Its ancientness is also proven – ‘Vedmaso Dhritvrata Dwadash Prajavatah. Vedas produce ‘.

Now in 2050 Shravan month will come

Every fifth year becomes two Adhimas due to the increase and decrease of Tithis and the deviation of planets and constellations. watch now; In the last year 2020 AD, there was Malmas in Ashwin and now in 2023 in Sawan. Then in the coming year 2026, it will be in Jeth. In this way, from the Vedic era till today, our mathematics has been equally respecting Adhimas. If we talk about Malmas in Sawan and if it is seen from the year of our independence, then it remained the same in the years 1947, 1958, 1966, 1985 and 2004. Even our country became independent on the adhimasiya Shravan Krishna Trayodashi, after Chaturdashi Thursday/Friday. After 2023, now this Shravan month will come in 2050 AD.

what is malmas

First of all, the synonyms of Malamas are Adhikamas, Adhimas, Malimluch, Impotent, Sansarp and Asankrant. Adhikamas and Adhimas means more months. When there is a year of only twelve months, then how and why more? The meaning of Malimluch is – the one who has feces (Mali San Mlochati / Gachchatiti). Why the neuter name now? So; This is a passive month under the influence of new auspicious deeds. Why contact? So; If we look at the last name, it is clear that the month in which there is no Sankranti. That’s the answer. It has also been said – ‘Yasmin Mase no Sankranti: Sodhimaso Nigdyate’.

There is no solstice of the sun in Malmas

In fact; The year of twelve months from Chaitra to Phagun is related to Moon. This lunar year is of 354 days. On the other hand, the twelve months of the year related to Sun from Aries to Pisces are of 365 days, 6 hours and a few seconds. In such a situation, the days which are left in the making of the year related to Sun and Moon, together they are called Adhimas and when there is Varshamal, they are called Malamas. The meaning of Sankranti is the zodiac-change of the Sun. Sun moves from one zodiac sign to another in about a month, but; The month in which there is Malmas, there is no solstice of the Sun in that Malmas. On this also there has been talk of Darshadvaya, that is, absence of Surya-Sankranti from one Amavasya to another Amavasya. Now, as an example, this time on Shravan Amavasya (pure), Monday, i.e. July 17, Cancer’s solstice is happening at 3.53 pm. Again Shuddha Shravan Shukla Pratipada-Dwitiya, Singh’s Sankranti is happening on Thursday (17/18 August) at 3.27 pm.

Which auspicious works have been prohibited in Purushottam month?

Malmas is also known as Purushottam month. It is believed that Shri Krishna, a resident of Golok, increased its value by giving it his name. In this month, morning bath with restraint, worship of Shri Hari and lamp donation in the evening have been said to be especially fruitful. But; It has also been said- ‘Tatra Mangal-Karyani Naiva Kuryat Kadachan’. ie; Do not do any auspicious work in this. That is, charity, fasting, yagya etc. auspicious works are prohibited in Adhimas – ‘Daan-Vratadi-Yagyaadi-Varjyam Tatradhimasike’. Lall is of the opinion that there should be no marriage, yajna, festival etc. in this. Acharyas are of the opinion that in daily rituals, evening, worship, etc. are daily rituals, and when there is an eclipse, bathing, donating, etc., have to be done, health-related religious rituals have to be done even if it is possible. Yes; The rituals which are started in Shuddha Maas can continue in Adhimaas as well, yes; Some people say that this time there is Dumas, so there will be no new work throughout the year. It’s not like that. Had it been so, there would not have been any auspicious times for marriages, housewarming etc. in that year. Auspicious work is prohibited only in Adhimas, not throughout the year.

<strong>markandeya shardey</strong>

(Astrologer and Theology Specialist)

Sawan 2023: Sawan is of two months but only 4 Monday fasts are valid, know which Monday fast is to be observed and which is not?


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