On Wednesday night around 10.35 pm, armed miscreants looted the bike from Vishnu Vallabh Mishra, a retired employee of the postal department, near Bailey Road Kendriya Vidyalaya of Patna’s secretariat police station at around 10.35 pm. After executing the incident, the miscreants managed to escape. Vishnu Vallabh is a resident of Sipara and he was returning home after attending the marriage function of his friend’s daughter organized at Digha-Ashiyana Road, during which he was robbed.
Criminals snatched bike near Kendriya Vidyalaya
As soon as Vishnu Mishra, who was returning from marriage, reached near Kendriya Vidyalaya, three miscreants on the bike overtook and stopped him. After this, showing fear of pistol, fled away with the bike and some cash. After the incident, he reached Shastri Nagar police station to complain. But he was sent back after telling the matter of the airport police station. Meanwhile, Vishnu Ballabh’s son-in-law also came and both of them went to the airport police station to register an FIR. Where he was advised to go to the secretariat police station.
wandered all night to register a case
Vishnu Ballabh and his son-in-law were wandering in the police station all night long to register the case. The special thing is that no police station went to the spot to inquire about the incident. While the police headquarters has ordered that if anyone gets the information, then immediately investigate and take action. After this, the police station in which the case is related should be given to him. But instead of catching the miscreants, the police advised them to move from one police station to another.
Loot of five crore rupees being sent from Patna to Kolkata in Jharkhand, police suspect hawala business(youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRoopzb7vn4)