A state in Eastern India: 20-year-old Anju Kumari, wife of Patel Kumar, a resident of Singhia Musahab Mahato Tola of Safiyasarai OP area of Munger, set herself on fire after being fed up of harassment. He died during treatment at Munger Sadar Hospital. Here, the parents have accused the in-laws of setting them on fire for the sake of dowry. The police have taken the husband and father-in-law into custody.
Said before dying, was tortured in in-laws house
It is said that Anju Kumari, wife of Patel Kumar, son of Jaleshwar Yadav, a resident of Singhia Musahab Mahato Tola, set herself ablaze by sprinkling kerosene in a domestic dispute. By the time the family members extinguished the fire, she was badly burnt. The family first took him to a private nursing home for treatment. From where he was referred to Munger Sadar Hospital. The family took him to Munger Sadar Hospital, where he died after undergoing treatment for some time. Before dying, Anju told that she was tortured at her in-laws house.
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About 10 lakh rupees were spent in the marriage
Sikdar Yadav, wife Binda Devi, son Nitish Kumar, a resident of Singhia Chinta Mahato Tola, reached Sadar Hospital in search of Anju. Where Anju Devi was not admitted. Nitish Kumar told that his sister Anju Devi was in love with Patel Kumar, a resident of Mushab Mahto Tola, 100 meters away from the village. Both were married six months ago. About 10 lakh rupees were spent in that marriage, but after marriage husband Patel Kumar, father-in-law Jaleshwar Yadav, mother-in-law Usha Devi used to torture her sister for dowry. Alleged that for the sake of dowry, the in-laws killed her sister by setting her on fire. Safiyasarai OP in-charge Neeraj Kumar told that information about the incident has been received. In the Sadar Hospital, the maternal uncle has accused her of being burnt to death for dowry. Husband and father-in-law have been taken into custody.
(youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkybMUYQcM4) )munger news