More than one thousand teachers and employees were found absent during checking in colleges and universities in Bihar on Monday. The education department has now taken strict action against these missing teachers and employees. The department has issued an order to postpone the salary of more than one thousand teachers and employees found absent. In the past, the Additional Chief Secretary of the Education Department, KK Pathak had instructed to send daily reports of the present employees and teachers. In this sequence, when the report of these absent teachers and employees was sent on Monday, the department postponed their salaries.
The strictness of the education department has created a stir among the negligent employees and officers. The Education Department is monitoring the absence of teachers and non-teaching staff in the university and constituent/affiliated colleges on a daily basis. Daily attendance reports of teachers and employees are being taken through e-mail.
According to the report received by the Education Department, the highest number of absentee teachers and personnel are in Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University (BRABU) at 630, BN Mandal University (BNMU) at 190, Veer Kunwar Singh University (VKSU) at 93, Patliputra University (PPU) at 77, 68 in Lalit Narayan Mithila University (LNMU), five in Patna University (PU), 12-12 employees and teachers remained absent in Munger and Magadh University. Apart from this, nine employees were found absent in Purnia University.
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According to the information, the education department has already postponed the salary of the total secretary of Patna University and Veer Kunwar Singh Universities, who did not follow the order in this matter.
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