Google’s products made a mark in the world on the basis of Indian talent and innovation, know who said this


Indian Talent behind Google Product : In every field of the world, Indians have proved themselves with their talent. A news of this talent of Indians has now come from the world’s biggest tech company Google. A Google official has said that Indian talent is hidden behind many of the company’s products. It is the talent available in India that has helped in making the company and its products better. India is one of the most important markets for Google.

source of both talent and innovation

A senior executive of the technology company said that it is a source of incredible talent and innovation, which helps to create and improve the company’s products on a global scale. Google’s Global Head of Administrative Affairs and Public Policy Karan Bhatia told that the company is very excited about India. According to the PTI-language report, he said- India is one of our most important markets across the world. It is really a second home for us. We are in India for almost two decades. We have thousands of employees there. It’s a source of both incredible talent and innovation, helping to build and improve Google products around the world.

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More unicorns, more startups, more companies…

Bhatia said this is a dynamic market where you see a boom in both internet usage and new small businesses and startups. He said that India has seen an incredible growth in the last nine years, and internet usage has grown exponentially. Internet usage has increased especially in rural areas and digital transactions have increased. Bhatia said, we are seeing more unicorns, more startups, more companies, who are thinking digitally. And again, you are seeing a government that really understands the important role of digitization, digital policies. Bhatia said, Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi has been thinking of giving priority to digital since the beginning. You can see how he has encouraged the government to adopt digital technology.


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