Pranayama keeps high blood pressure under control, these nine yoga asanas are effective


Anita Kumari

People are often surrounded by diseases due to the stress and stress of Gadod’s life. Of these, blood pressure ie blood pressure (BP) is also included. This disease is known as silent killer. One third of the country’s population is struggling with the problem of high blood pressure. Uncontrolled BP increases the risk of brain stroke. Many other diseases like heart and kidney problems can increase in the body. Not only this, high blood pressure also invites mental illness and eye problems. Nine Yogasanas are effective in removing these problems. High blood pressure can be easily controlled by some asanas and pranayama. A person suffering from blood pressure has to keep in mind that more difficult asanas can also harm them.

These yogasanas will keep blood pressure balanced

Surya Namaskar : Regular practice will give positive benefits to the whole body. Effective in energizing the body and calming the mind. In case of anger and irritation, the mind can be calmed by this asana. BP patients have to do it slowly.

tree pose : It is also called tree-pose. This yogasana creates physical and mental balance. Along with this, there is relief from the problem of stress and anxiety. Blood pressure remains controlled.

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama : Regularization of yoga gives concentration and mental peace, which reduces stress. The problem of sleep goes away. Controlling anger will solve the problem of high blood pressure.

Bhramari Pranayama Regular exercise will reduce stress. Due to the reduction of stress, mental balance will be maintained, due to which BP will be restrained. The problem of migraine and sleeplessness will go away.

Udgeet Pranayama : By this, the speed of high breath can be slowed down, due to which the restlessness of the mind will be calm. Controlling the heart rate will keep distance from stress. Due to this automatically the level of BP will remain in normal condition.

sheetali pranayama : It is helpful in removing the problem of restlessness. Regular exercise will help in lowering the blood pressure and slow down the rate of breathing. High blood pressure will be controlled by keeping the mind calm and relaxed.

cooling pranayama : This pranayama is effective in calming the body and mind. Regular exercise will reduce the increased blood pressure due to reduction in stress. Also, you will get relief from lung problem and phlegm problem soon.

dead body Regular practice controls the senses of the body. This will get rid of the problem of sleep. Keeping high BP under control will keep distance from stress, which will reduce anxiety attacks.

Balasana : Regular practice of Balasana (Child’s pose) will be beneficial in case of high BP problem. By reducing BP, the stress level of the body will gradually reduce and blood circulation will increase in the whole body.

Yoga drives away diseases! Complete treatment of thyroid is possible with the practice of yoga, do this asana

(Yoga Expert, Orchid Medical Center)


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