Agra News: The faces of the examinees blossomed after seeing the easy question paper, more than 13 thousand took the exam


Agra News: 29 centers were set for the B.Ed examination which started from 9:00 am in Agra today. In which around 13829 girl students took part in the examination in both the shifts. This exam was conducted in two shifts. In which the first shift was from 9 to 12 in the morning and the second shift was in the evening. 2:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. The candidates who came out of the center after giving the first shift exam shared their experiences. In which he told that the way he had thought about the exam, the question paper was very simple. If someone has studied even for 1 to 2 months, then he would not have had much difficulty in solving the questions. After performing well, now they are expecting good results.



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