Bullying of sand mafia again seen in Bihar, mining inspector’s vehicle attacked in Buxar

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Blitz India
  • Update Time : Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Buxar. The spirits of the sand mafia in Bihar are very high. Mafias have attacked the vehicle of Mining Inspector Akash Pandey in Buxar district. In this, other policemen including the inspector were injured. Mining Inspector Akash Pandey had left Buxar at 4 am for inspection to curb the black business of red sand in UP. Meanwhile, the sand mafia attacked his car all-round with bricks and stones.

saved life by hiding in car

According to the information, a piece of stone hit his head in the attack. Due to this they got injured. After this attack, the driver and the officer saved their lives by hiding in the car itself. After the incident, the Mining Inspector informed the senior officials. After this, there was a stir in the whole department. So far the police have not been able to catch any sand mafia. Because of which the officer of the mining department is in panic. The glass of the back light of the vehicle has been broken in the attack.

attack for fear of apprehension

Mining Inspector Akash Pandey told about this incident that he had gone out for inspection at 4 am. The fear of getting caught by the sand mafia must have tormented you. For this reason, the vehicle was attacked with bricks and stones. In this, the glass of the car was broken and a piece of stone hit his head, due to which there is a slight wound on his head. The senior officers have been informed about the incident. Further action is being taken in this matter.

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