Sonpur. From Friday, stoppage of four pairs of trains will start at Sonpur Junction. During this, Regional Lok Sabha MP cum former Union Minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy will flag off the train. A program has been organized at Sonpur Junction on Friday at 4 pm, in which the MP will flag off the 19305 Dr. Ambedkar Nagar Kamakhya Express. During this program along with Railway Manager of Sonpur Division Neelmani, all officers and local dignitaries will be present.
Chhapra-Rajendra Nagar passenger train will also run
The MP said that discussions are being held with the Railway Minister regarding the stoppage of many other important trains at Sonpur, on which a decision will be taken soon. He told that Chhapra-Sonpur-Patna-Rajendra Nagar DMU passenger train will also be run, for which brainstorming is being done to fix the time.
The stay was postponed in Corona
In this context, the MP told that the movement of trains across the country was affected during the Corona period. From the same time stoppage of these four major trains was also postponed at Sonpur Junction. There was a demand for a long time that stoppage of these trains at Sonpur Junction should be resumed. Regarding this, he also raised this topic in the meeting of Sonpur Railway Board. Also corresponded and met Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav several times. The result of this is that now the trains going to Sonpur have got stoppage.
Changes in the route of 17 trains passing through East Central Railway, two trains canceled, see list
These trains got stoppage
At Sonpur, train number 15203-04 (down and up) Barauni Lucknow Express, 15909-10 (down and up) Avadh Assam Express, 13019-20 (down and up) Howrah-Kathgodam Express as well as weekly 19305-06 ( Down and Up) Stoppage of Dr Ambedkar Nagar Kamakhya Express is commencing.