Bihar’s Economic Offenses Unit team reached Deoghar on Friday in search of a youth running a YouTube channel. Here, with the help of the city police station, his address at Belabagan was verified. When the accused was not found, the raiding team of Bihar Economic Offenses Unit returned. According to the information, team Inspector Alok of Bihar Economic Offenses Unit is in search of Anil Yadav, a resident of Jamha village of Chandramandih police station area of Jamui district, who runs a YouTube channel in the name of ‘Janata Plus’ in Bihar. Reached Deoghar under the leadership of Kumar.
A case has been registered against the accused in Patna Economic Offenses Police Station.
The raid team reached his hideout with the help of the police of the city police station
When the mobile location started telling Jamui, the raiding team left.
Verification of the accused’s address by going to Belabagan area
Here, with the help of the city police station, the address of the accused was verified by going to Belabagan area. But, meanwhile, the mobile location of the accused started telling Jamui, so immediately the raiding team left from here. Inspector Alok Kumar told that case number 04/23 has been registered in Patna Economic Offenses Police Station against Anil Kumar, who runs a YouTube channel in the name of Janata Plus in Bihar.
A three-member team of the Economic Offenses Unit had come to Deoghar
On the same basis, a three-member raiding team of Bihar’s Economic Offenses Unit reached Deoghar to find Anil. Inspector Alok told that to avoid arrest, Anil is hiding in Belabagan area of Deoghar. On this secret information, they came to Deoghar in search of him. Here, by giving an application in the city police station, cooperation was also sought for the arrest of Anil.
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